Office of Graduate Student Affairs
Anti-Racism Plan Framework
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Ongoing consultation/collaboration with campus partners, in particular the Intercultural Center, the Gender and Sexuality Center, the International Students and Scholars Office, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and colleagues in the grad schools to create and implement a series rather than just "one-offs."
Hire guest speakers tasked with explaining concepts of DEI, systemic/structural racism.
Create/support educational campaigns to provide a road map for community members and allies to help dismantle systemic/structural racism within their communities.
Schedule one speaker per semester dedicated to DEI, systemic/structural racism (FY 2021-22 and ongoing).
Minimum of one passive programming installment/display per semester to help educate on how to dismantle systemic/structural racism (FY 2021-22 and ongoing).
Planning for ongoing series to begin FY 2021-22, pilot FY 2022-23, expansion FY 2023-24).
Graduate Student Affairs programming, such as the Cultural Dinner, map displays, sharing of music and/or flag creation and representation, will highlight the areas of the world students come from.
Display photos representing our student population on our virtual platforms, i.e., social media, website.
Highlight BIPOC students as student spotlights and Instagram interviews during the semester.
Offer formal programming a minimum of once per semester to invite students to share food, music or add their flag to our space. Provide passive programming that is representative of our population (ongoing).
Review website twice per year to update photos of students on virtual spaces; photos will include BIPOC and/or international students (ongoing).
Half of all hosted students for student spotlights are BIPOC-identified (ongoing).
Intentionality with communication and staff support to assist in creation/development of these groups.
Prioritized advertisement of group events in the Graduate Student Association / Graduate Student Affairs newsletters.
Providing dedicated staff support to assist in coordination of BIPOC student organization events, including prioritized funding from Graduate Student Affairs budget in addition to access via Graduate Student Association funding (FY 2021-22 and ongoing).
Specific mention via list of all applicable (BIPOC and international) student organizations when sharing graduate organizations to grad student community (FY 2021-22 and ongoing).
Beginning-of-year opportunities for BIPOC students to meet each other, learn of identity-based clubs and organizations (FY 2021-22 and ongoing).
Establish and maintain dedicated peer mentor group(s) for BIPOC and for international students (potentially even region-specific).
In coordination with hiring students that reflect the various identities of our student population, schedule consistent hours for student staff to be available in person and virtually to students.
A minimum of one peer mentor group each for BIPOC/international students (FY 2022-23, depending on funding).
Review of student staff scheduling to ensure consistency in available student staff to meet with students (FY 2021-22 and ongoing).
Hire student staff with representation of each of the three graduate schools.
Hire student staff with representation of international students, domestic students and BIPOC students.
Professional and student staff will be trained in how to navigate resources, support for BIPOC and international students, as well as OEO and supporting students in distress.
Student staff will have at least one representative from each of the three schools (ongoing).
International and BIPOC students will comprise between 60% and 70% of student staff.
Annual training of diversity, equity and inclusion standards for professional and student staff.
Division of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DDEIB)