2010 Research Award Winners

Yeshuv & Israel

Dvora Hacohen
Bar Ilan University
“Henrietta Szold and Social Achievements in the Yishuv”

Creative Arts

Rachel Adelman
Matan (Machon Torani Le- Nashim), The Sadie Rennert Women’s Institute of TorahStudies
“A Voice from the End of the World (Selected Poems and Midrashim)”

Helène Aylon
College Art Association
“WHATEVER IS CONTAINED MUST BE RELEASED: My Jewish Orthodox Girlhood – My Life as a Feminist Artist”

Carol Hamoy
“The Invisible Part of the Children of Israel”

Gail Levin
Baruch College
“The Art of Theresa Ferber Bernstein (1890–2002)”

Theodore A. Perry
University of Connecticut
“Writing/Righting the Old Man: Immigrant French Jewish Women and Their Fathers”

Shachar Pinsker
University of Michigan
“‘Meager Gifts’ from Lonely Islands: Women’s Hebrew Poetry on American Shores”

Ben Schachter
Saint Vincent College
“Contested Domestic Spaces”

Laura Silver
“Knish Sisters: Mrs. Stahl, The Sholom Auxiliary, Bella Sherman and Me”


Esther Carmel-Hakim
University of Haifa
“Writing Palestine: Dorothy Kahn Bar Adon, (1907–1950)”

Julia Phillips Cohen & Sarah Abrevaya Stein
Vanderbilt University / Stanford University
“The Sephardic Studies Reader, 1730–1950”

Shaun Jacob Halper
University of California – Berkeley
“Jews in the Age of Homosexual Emancipation: 1897–1948”

Melissa Klapper
Rowan University
“Ballots, Babies, and Banners of Peace: American Jewish Women’s Pre-World War II Activism”

Iris Idelson-Shein
Tel Aviv University
“Changing Notions of Gender, Childhood and Race in Early Modern Jewish Thought”

Hamutal Tsamir
Ben Gurion University
“The Poetry of National Desire: Gendering Hebrew Literary History at the Stage of Nation-Building, 1860–1960”


Leonard Rogoff
Jewish Heritage Foundation of NC
“Gertrude Weil: The ‘Identity and Obligation’ of a Southern Jewish Woman”

David Shneer
University of Colorado – Boulder
“In Front of the Iron Curtain: Lin Jaldati, Jalda Rebling, and the Jewish Culture in East and Unified Germany”


Aliza Bazak
Bar Ilan University
“The Tav Lemeitav Presumption in Modern Halakhic Discourse”

Mara Benjamin
St. Olaf College
“The Obligated Self”

Tova Ganzel
Bar-Ilan University
“Concerns of Women Who Observe Tahorat Hamishpacha: Medical, Emotional, Halachic, and Spiritual”

Film & Video

Yael Luttwak
“Teens at Peace”

Rosemarie Reed
“My Daughter The Doctor: Jewish Women And the Nobel Prize In Medicine”

Social Sciences

Netty Gross and Susan Weiss
Van Leer Institute & Center for Women’s Justice
“Israel’s Civil Wars: Jewish Marriage and Divorce”

Jennifer Roskies
Bar Ilan University
“In Their Own Voices: The Multiple Identities of Jewish Academic Women”