Class Correspondent

Penny Peirez Abrams has published her third book, “Lunch for Breakfast,” a 263-page novel. The story takes readers down the road of self-discovery with a man who starts out in a small town that labels him “lacking.” Joan Garfein Botwinick writes, “Although I am in good physical shape, I am not driving anymore. Luckily, my youngest daughter, Paula, and her husband, Rick, moved two doors down from me (in University City, Mo.), so they can help me when I need it. I go food shopping with my knapsack. I can still bike to some nearby parks and go walking in the woods. Working with the peace movement and in behalf of anti-nuclear power, reductions in defense spending and increases in low-income housing take up my volunteer time.” Max Perlitsh and Gus Ranis report that the Class of 1952 Endowed Scholarship continues to grow with your help. In honor of the 60th Reunion, our class raised a total of $151,358 in gifts and pledges from 71 percent of the class, a participation rate exceeding that of all other classes. The response to the fall appeal for five-year pledges was also very encouraging. The endowed scholarship now totals $878,420 in gifts and pledges; reaching our $1 million goal is becoming a reality. Remember: Building the scholarship helps students. To make your gift, contact Lisa Fleischman, director of annual and special gifts in the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, at 781-736-4062 or

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