Outreach Highlights 2014

Professor Melissa Kosinski-Collins, Biology running a workshop. Here she is talking to a woman and a child at a table with exhibits.  Right: Professor Casey Wade, Chemistry, doing an experiment with a boy and his mother.

Left: Professor Melissa Kosinski-Collins, Biology. Right: Professor Casey Wade, Chemistry

Brandeis MRSEC Science Communication Fellows

Brandeis faculty participated in the “Portal to the Public” program at the Discovery Museum in Acton. Professors Kosinski-Collins, Wade, and Chakraborty were trained as Science Communication Fellows and led workshops for Museum patrons on three separate evenings during the school year. Approximately 300 museum visitors attended these events. The fellows will lead science communication workshops at Brandeis to train post doc and graduate students.

Pictures of the 2 Hampton University students, the first participants in the REU program.  In these 2 pictures they stand in front of their posters. Top photo: Title of the poster is "Chemically Induced Polymorphic Transitions of Bact...(picture is cropped there). The other poster is titled "Drop On Demand: Microfluidic Drop Creation."

In 2012, we began a partnership with Hampton University, a HBCU, in Virginia. In the summer of 2013, two Hampton students came to Brandeis and participated in our REU program. In addition, we have sponsored an independent research team project at Hampton in which students design and build a microscope for tracking algae and plankton for the Hampton Marine Biology program under the joint supervision of Brandeis and Hampton faculty.