Jillian Stinchcomb

Jillian Stinchcomb

Florence Levy Kay Fellow in Hebrew Bible and Mediterranean Cross-Cultural Textual Traditions


  • University of Pennsylvania, PhD

  • Yale Divinity School, MA

  • University of Notre Dame, BA


Jillian Stinchcomb is the Florence Levy Kay Postdoctoral Fellow in Hebrew Bible and Mediterranean Cross-Cultural Textual Antiquity. A scholar of Religious Studies and Biblical Studies, she works on the emergence and reception of biblical texts and figures in cross-cultural contexts utilizing historical-critical, post-colonial, and feminist critical frameworks.

Selected Publications

“Gender Performance and the Queen of Sheba.” Forthcoming in Hebrew Studies.

“Race and the Hebrew Bible: The Case of the Queen of Sheba.” Religions 12, no. 10:795. https://doi.org/10/3390/rel12100795

“The Queen of Sheba in Targum Sheni Esther and the Qur’an.” In New Perspectives on Islamic OriginsProceedings from the 2018 Nangeroni Seminar, ed. Mette Bjerregaard Mortensen, Guillaume Dye, Isaac W. Oliver and Tommaso Tesei, 85-96. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021.