Welcome to the SIM Lab

The research in our lab focuses on understanding how basic motivations and social biases shape the way we perceive and interact with others.
To this aim, we look at the neural and cognitive processes involved in person perception, interpersonal sensitivity, and self-control. We use a multi-method approach often using electroencephalography (EEG) and also other physiological measures, but also traditional methods from social and cognitive psychology such as self-report, reaction time measures, and real life behavior.
The ultimate goal of our work is to capture as many aspects as possible of the complexity that makes up social interactions.
Current research examines how motivation and social biases influence action perception.
Humans grasp other’s experiences by mapping them in their own brain — a process called neural resonance. We investigate which individual and situational factors influence neural resonance in an intergroup context. Another line of research examines the role of emotions, motivation, and attention in self-control and its failure.