Student Art Loan Program Pick Up Day

October 2, 2019, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

From Man Ray to Jean Dubuffet, from James Rosenquist to Brigette Coudrain, add a piece from the Rose Art Museum’s Student Art Loan collection to your dorm room this year. Current Brandeis students can pick from 40 works to weave art into the everyday experience. Stop by the Rose to select your piece on Oct 2 (rain date: Oct 3) from 11 am to 4 pm.

The Student Loan Collection consists of numerous works of art that are available for Brandeis students to borrow for the academic year. This year, 40 works on paper have been hand selected by the museum’s curatorial staff and interns, specifically with the students in mind. Since 1956, this collection has allowed on-campus students to foster a deep connection with the Rose, as well as a work of art as their choosing.

For the 2019 school year, students will be able to, once again, live and connect with these works in their dorm.




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In 1956, Brandeis University began lending approximately sixty-seven paintings, drawings, and prints by artists to students thanks to a purchase program pioneered by Charna Cowan. The program continued after her untimely death with the support of her husband Judge Harry Stone and family, as the Charna Stone Cowan Student Loan Collection. In 1971, after the establishment of the Rose Art Museum, the Robert W. Schiff Memorial Loan Collection was created with a gift of fifty prints and drawings by such artists as Leonard Baskin, Jim Dine, Philip Guston, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, and Andy Warhol. Mildred and Hebert C. Lee of Belmont, Massachusetts established the program to honor Mrs. Lee’s father, Robert W. Schiff who was an innovator of the retail shoe industry and a well-known philanthropist committed to education and its importance to young people. Today works from the founding collections as well as additional gifts, purchases, and bequests comprise the Student Art Loan Program. This fall, the program re-launches after an academic year hiatus, with forty newly matted and framed works on paper. The number of works in circulation is set to increase in the next few years.

  1. On the lending day, October 2 (rain date: October 3) visit the Lee Gallery on the lower level of the Rose Art Museum to select an artwork between 11 am- 4 pm. Please bring your Brandeis University ID. You will be asked to sign a loan agreement for the artwork.
  2. Display your artwork in your room! Please consult with your respective Department of Community Living Area Coordinator to find the best option for hanging a framed artwork.
  3. Enjoy your chosen artwork for the duration of the academic year!
  4. Return your artwork to the Rose Art Museum on April 30, 2020, between 11am and 4pm (Rain date: May 1)

Works are available on a first come, first served basis on the lending day. You may preview the works on the museum’s website.

There is currently not a fee to participate in the program.

Only works that are part of the Student Art Loan Program are available to students.

The collection is periodically assessed by our curators and works may be removed if they are deemed unsafe to loan or if they are selected for transfer to the permanent collection.

You may borrow only one work per academic year.

Only students living in housing owned and operated by Brandeis University are eligible.

It is your responsibility to pick up, transport, and hang your loaned artwork. Please keep this in mind when choosing your artwork, as they range in size and weight. Consult with your respective Department of Community Living Area Coordinator to find the best option for hanging a framed work.

You may dust the frame with a clean, dry cloth. Please do not clean with spray or water, which could possibly damage the artwork.

Please provide your updated contact information to the Rose Art Museum by phone, 781-736-3434, or by email,

Student Art Loan Program return will take place in the Lee Gallery of the Rose Art Museum on April 30, 2019 between 11am-4pm (Rain date: May 1). During this time, you must return your artwork to a museum staff member. If you are unable to return your artwork during these times, please contact the Rose Art Museum by phone, 781-736-3434, or by email,, to make other arrangements.

If an artwork is damaged while in your care, please do not try to fix it yourself. Immediately contact the Rose Art Museum by phone, 781-736-3434, or by email, A museum employee will schedule a site visit to assess the damage. If the frame is unstable, please remove the artwork from the wall and lay it flat on a table where it will be undisturbed.

Please contact the Rose Art Museum by phone, 781-736-3434, or by email,