Lee Bitsóí outside speaking to people

Lee Bitsóí, Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, speaks during an Indigenous Peoples' Day event at the Intercultural Center

Performers at Culture X

Students perform during the Intercultural Center's annual Culture X event

Students, GSC Pride Reps

Gender and Sexuality Center Pride Reps

Orientation leaders and Department of Community Living student workers smiling in front of North Quad on move-in day 2018

Orientation leaders and Department of Community Living student workers on move-in day

The Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion maintains a webpage with the most up-to-date status on the various commitments that Brandeis has made to improve our campus community.

Welcome to the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DDEI) website. Our division is composed of a network of offices and groups that support community members in the various dimensions of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our reporting offices include:

We are committed to working collaboratively with our campus community to build high-quality programming that brings about positive and equitable social change. Our services include short-term and ongoing development, education, and training, coaching, and assistance with search and selection. The DDEI also collaborates with offices and departments that are seeking financial support for a program or event that is in line with the mission of the DDEI, providing co-sponsorship funds, up to $500, on a first-come, first-served basis and for as long as funds are available.

On this website, we provide: