Student Accessibility Support

Information for Families

We understand that sending your student off to college is a big transition for families. We want to ensure you that we are here for your student.

Please find more information in our Frequently Asked Questions for families (below). You are welcome to reach out to us at anytime at

Disclosure Policies

With a move to a college environment, different laws govern your students’ accommodations. With this shift also come policies which require student records to be kept confidential. You will find answers to many disclosure policies in this section and you are always welcome to reach out to SAS if you have any further questions at

Frequently Asked Questions

Transition to College

We understand that as parents, you may have questions or concerns about your student’s transition into college. Here at Brandeis University, we recognize that the journey to college is a transition for both you and your student. You will see incredible changes happen during the time your student spends with us and we will work with your student to help them access all that Brandeis has to offer. 

Differences Between High School and College Level Accommodations Under the Laws

Kindergarten-12th Grade (IDEA)

Higher Education/College (ADA & ADAAA)

The Parent is the advocate.

The Student must self-advocate.

Education is a RIGHT and must be provided in appropriate environments to ALL individuals.

Education is NOT A RIGHT. Students must meet certain admissions criteria and be defined under the ADA as “otherwise qualified.” 

School districts are responsible to identify students’ disabilities.

Students must SELF-IDENTIFY to Student Accessibility Support. 

School districts must provide free testing, evaluation, and transportation to programs. 

Students must provide transportation as well as current and appropriate documentation. If the documentation is insufficient, students may obtain evaluations at their own cost. 

School districts develop Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 plans.

No IEPs/504 plans are developed in college, as there is no special education. IEPs/504 plans from high school do not apply in college and need not be submitted for services.

School districts are responsible for providing all IEP/504 plans supports and services.

Students are responsible for activating and using approved services every semester. 

Teachers are expected to learn all they can about a student’s disability

Professors only need to know the accommodation the student is requesting unless the student wants to share anything with them about their condition.

Fundamental alterations of programs and curricula are required. 

No fundamental alterations are required. All students are expected to meet the same course objectives as their peers. 

Personal services for medical/physical disabilities are required. 

No personal services are required. Universities do not provide any personal services (i.e. personal care attendants.)

Documentation Process

Getting current and updated documentation can be stressful for families and students, but it does not have to be. We are always here to answer any questions or concerns you have regarding current documentation required at the college level. Visit our Providing Documentation page for additional information.