Student and Alumni Profiles

Headshot of Annie Fortnow

Community in Grad School and Beyond: An Interview with Annie Fortnow, MA/MBA’23

Michael Fingerman headshot

Motivated by Mission: An MBA Program for Jewish Leaders of the 21st Century

Daniel Nussbaum, MA/MPP’20

The work he loves, the person he's becoming

Joshua Mellits

On reading, writing and caring for others

Alyssa Bogdanow

On the impact of travel and relationship building on her Jewish identity

Erica Goldman

On teaching Israeli dance at camp

Sara Miller

On the arts, education and her vision of a better world

Naomi Rosenfeld

A Jewish professional shaped by her community… and a community shaped by a Jewish professional

Eli Cohn

On pushing the limits of understanding through work, travel and art

David Manchester

On data as an essential tool for nonprofits

Elisheva Massel

On aligning personal values with organizational mission

Yana Drozdovski Hazan

On living and working in Israel

Dara Freedman-Weiss 

On the value of data for decision-making at nonprofits

Daniel Lange

On dreaming big and working as a Jewish professional

Yana Tolmacheva

On integrating diversity into Jewish identity and World Jewry

Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal Weber, MA/MBA’12

A Rabbi with a Hornstein MA/MBA

Phillip Brodsky

On Israel, youth engagement, and how to answer tough questions

Ariel Libhaber

On his Jewish journey, doing it all and keeping it real

Elan Burman

On the magnetic pull of two Jewish organizations and seemingly inconsequential tasks

Daniel Langenthal
Outward Bound and back, and how I applied my Hornstein education along the way
Elliot Halperin

On family, friends and fundraising

Amy Skopp Cooper

On structuring our environments with intentional attention

Steven Huberman

On spreading the Hornstein Legacy of caring and competence

Linda Levi

On her sense of peoplehood and three decades at JDC as a Jewish professional leader