Reproduction and Use Fees
Materials will be supplied subject to the regulations of the Department
Pre-payment on all orders is required
Fees for additional services may be charged
Reproductions will be sent digitally
Materials will be supplied subject to the regulations of the Department
Pre-payment on all orders is required
Fees for additional services may be charged
Reproductions will be sent digitally
$0.20/page or image (limit of 150 pages per project or per calendar year) for members of the Brandeis community and the Boston Library Consortium
$0.25/page or image (limit of 150 pages per project or per calendar year) for all other users
$20/scanned thesis
Price determined by outside vendor, and may include additional costs for reformatting and preservation; please call for more information.
No use/publishing fees will be assessed for publications, reports, projects, documents, papers, theses or dissertations created by or for Brandeis University.
$25/publication/edition/format for all materials used
$50/image, per edition/publication/format
For in-depth research needs (for those who cannot travel to Brandeis University), the department can make referrals regarding the hiring of research assistants. Please note that the fee schedule is to be set by the researcher and the assistant.