Get It!
What is the Get It Button?
The Get It button appears in the online databases that you can access here at Brandeis. It enables you to find the full-text resource online or lets you know where we may have it in our collection or if you must request the item through Interlibrary Loan.
Not all of these services will always appear when you click on Get It!. It depends on which database you search and what services are available for that citation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which databases have Get It! links?
You’ll only see Get It! links in the Brandeis Library-licensed databases that work with Get It!.
Why don’t I see any Get It! buttons?
Possible reasons:
The database is not compatible with Get It!
Your citation isn’t complete enough to enable linking with Get It!
The Get It! link may be hard to find — the location of the link will vary depending on the database
Why didn’t I get a full text link for my article?
Possible reasons:
The citation appeared in the database before the publisher put the full text online. Use the Report a Problem link and we’ll check on this.
The publisher or author withheld the full text. Please let us know about any missing articles using Report a Problem. Then, search the Library Catalog to see if we have the print version.
There’s a typo in your citation. Try using Google or the publisher’s site to locate the correct citation.
Get It! may not be aware that the full text is available online. Search the Library Catalog to see if there is a link to full text there. Please let us know if you discover there is full text access that does not show up in Get It!.
Why is there sometimes more than one option for full text?
We give you all of the available options. The journal may be available through more than one database. Sometimes the format or even the content (supplementary data, illustrations, etc.) may differ.
Why does the number of options in the Get It! menu vary?
Only the services available for your particular article will display.
I clicked on “Full text available...” but I only got to the journal’s home page. Why?
Get It! will try to get you as close as it can to the full text. Sometimes the publisher has structured its Web site so that Get It! cannot link directly to full text. Sometimes Get It! can only take you to the table of contents or the journal’s home page, and you'll have to navigate the rest of the way.
What do I do when I get an error or some other “not found” message?
The article may be so recent that it hasn’t been put online yet, so Get It! cannot retrieve it.
Or, our Get It! links are incorrect. Please let us know via the Report a Problem link.
What is bX Recommender?
The bX Recommender service is available in all databases where you see the Get It! button. bX suggests alternative or related articles — similar to “Recommendations for You” on Amazon. The bX Recommender service is available from within the Get It! menu. bX generates its recommendations based on actual use of the link resolver Get It! using anonymized data contributed by academic institutions from all over the world.
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