Lewis S. Rosenstiel Award for Distinguished Work in Basic Medical Research
In 1971, the Lewis S. Rosenstiel Award for Distinguished Work in Basic Medical Research was established as an expression of the conviction that educational institutions have an important role to play in the encouragement and development of basic science as it applies to medicine.
Medals are presented annually at Brandeis University on the basis of recommendations of a panel of outstanding, Boston-area scientists appointed by the Director of the Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center. Awards are given to scientists for recent discoveries of particular originality and importance to basic medical research. A cash prize and a medallion accompanies each award.
Since its inception, Brandeis University has placed great emphasis on basic science and its relationship to medicine. With the formation of the Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center, made possible by the generosity of Lewis S. Rosenstiel in 1968, research in basic medical science has been significantly expanded. These awards are viewed as a means of extending the Center’s support beyond the campus community.
54th (2024) Winners
for their remarkable neurobiological studies of how the brains of humans and other primates recognize faces
Denise A. and Eugene W. Chinery Professor
Head, Laboratory of Nerual Systems
The Rockefeller University
New York, NY USA
Walter A. Rosenblith Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Investigator, McGovern Institute
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA USA
Takeda Professor of Neurobiology
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA USA
Professor, Departments of Molecular & Cell Biology and Neuroscience
Nan Fung Life Sciences Faculty Scholar
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
The University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA USA