Rachel Stern

More Weight

July 9 - October 26, 2018

Exhibit post card for Rachel Stern's exhibit  more weight depicting a woman dressed in period clothing from the salem witch trials she is looking upward with one arm raised slightly other holding fabric there are feathers to her left. To her right, red gloved hands are writing on paper with a feathered quill. Text says: Rachel Stern. More WeightRachel Stern, "Vision," 2018. C-print, 30" x 42"

The Kniznick Gallery is proud to present a solo exhibition by Philadelphia-based artist Rachel Stern. In “More Weight,” Stern addresses the conflation of histories with their representations through imagery, storytelling and literary interpretations. The phrase “More weight,” was famously uttered by Giles Corey of the Witch Trials in Salem, Massachusetts as he lay beneath a pile of stones, refusing to confess to any crime. His punishment is eternally written upon his gravestone, beneath his wax museum tableaux and detailed in "The Crucible." Stern capitalizes on our fascination with macabre history with all its trappings and complexities, building and arranging a queer-washed world from the language, logic and images surrounding these events.

Weaving the “real” and “unreal,” with the pageantry of kitsch and the deliberation of vanitas still lifes, “More Weight” presses us to examine how a bizarre enactment of the Law, generations removed, can reveal itself as deeply flawed and driven by greed, fear and hysteria, but also how the re-telling of histories might be intentionally distorted.


Exercises for the Quiet Eye with Annie Storr

September 4, 2018

WSRC Scholar, art historian and museum educator, Annie Storr will lead art experiencing exercises through the Kniznick Gallery exhibition Rachel Stern | More Weight. Storr developed Exercises for the Quiet Eye (EQE) to encourage patient reflection, appreciation and an attempt to avoid the rush to understand, or determine a set interpretation for what we see.

Artist's Lecture & Reception

September 20, 2018

Lecture with Rachel Stern, followed by a reception