December 5 Teach-In

November 29, 2023

Dear Brandeis Community members,

Thank you for your patience while we were finalizing the details of the teach-in planned for December 5. We recognize that the cancellation of classes during the last week of the semester and on relatively short notice presents considerable challenges for some of you. We did not make the decision to do so lightly; the concerns that led us to develop the teach-in were important enough, and affecting the Brandeis community widely enough, that they demanded a meaningful response that signaled how seriously we must take them. It is our hope that, where possible, faculty can find ways to integrate some of the topics that will be covered in their own courses, though we also understand that there are limits to the connections that can be made.

Since this day is intended for all members of the Brandeis community—students, faculty, researchers, and staff—we encourage managers to work with their staff to allow them as much flexibility as possible to attend these sessions.

Please review the schedule for the day’s events, which can be found at this link. You will note that with the exception of the 9 am, 3 pm, and 4 pm slots, there are concurrent sessions planned for the same times and we invite you to choose from among them.

We have three primary objectives for these sessions.

  1. To address the pervasive imbalance between the polarizing rhetoric of the current moment (on and off campus) and knowledge drawn from reliable sources that are grounded in evidence
  2. To model engagement across difference, even vehement disagreement
  3. To provide opportunities for members of the Brandeis community to engage with one another in authentic, respectful discussion
In the spirit of building and sustaining community, it is important to make clear the ground rules for respectful, constructive conversations and to hold participants accountable to them:
  1. Treat each other with respect and give each other the benefit of the doubt, rather than jump to conclusions about another’s intentions
  2. Listen actively, with curiosity, and with a genuine effort to understand, asking questions of clarification rather than of accusation
  3. Speak as individuals, based on personal experience, perspective, and knowledge; avoid universalizing statements or comments that impute intentions to others
  4. Leave room for everyone to participate, not making long speeches or silencing other points of view
  5. Words and tone matter. Be mindful of the impact of what you say, not just your intent
  6. Understand that we are all learning. If you say something that turns out to be offensive, apologize for your words, not for the person feeling offended
  7. Recognize that friction is evidence that multiple ideas are entering the conversation—which is a good thing
  8. No audio or video recordings of any session; please put away your phones
We realize that no single program will resolve the many challenging issues with which our diverse community is grappling. It is our hope that this teach-in will help establish a foundation  upon which we hope to build in the spring semester with additional programming.

In addition to the topics to be covered in the Teach-In, we want to be sure members of the community are aware of the following recordings from panels hosted by Brandeis’s Crown Center for Middle East Studies and the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies, which provide extremely valuable background and context for the events of October 7 and their aftermath, presented by Arab, Israeli, and Palestinian scholars.

Schusterman Center Event on October 12, 2023 on the War in Israel, featuring Eva Bellin, Yuval Evri, Shai Feldman, Abdel Monem Said Aly, and Jonathan Sarna

Crown Center Event on October 18, 2023 featuring Shai Feldman, Abdel Monem Said Aly, and Khalil Shikaki

We look forward to seeing you at the sessions on December 5 and to the important conversations they will help facilitate.


Carol Fierke, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jeffrey Shoulson, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences
Carmen Aguilar, Vice President of the Rabb School of Continuing Education
Wendy Cadge, Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Kathryn Graddy, Dean of the Brandeis International Business School
Maria Madison, Interim Dean of the Heller School for Social Policy and Management