Testimonials and Endorsements
ENACT has received strong support from educators and legislators from across the political spectrum. They have recognized the critical role ENACT plays as a program that enables college-aged students to engage in state-level legislation.
From Faculty Fellows

Associate Professor, Political Science
Metropolitan State University
"I plan to teach this course every other year forever. Or, at least till I don't teach political science anymore. What [ENACT Academic Program Director] Melissa [Stimell] has put together and your center has supported is truly amazing. This class is changing my students' view of government and giving them a sense of empowerment that they would not have otherwise gotten. They are passionate and full of excitement about the possibility for democratic control for our communities. I cannot think of a bigger gift that they could get from an experience. I could not be more grateful to be a part of the ENACT community, and I will teach this course long after the required two first classes."

Associate Professor, Political Science
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Tallahassee, Florida
"Focusing on the policy process at the state level made a big difference. It was a very big plus for my students. They learned a lot about hot-button issues that they cared about. They had an opportunity to learn at close range, they were asked to be engaged, they talked about how things work, and about the power of the legislature. They said they thought they learned about things that they used to take for granted."

Associate Professor, Political Science and Honors
University of Maine
Orono, Maine
"[Students] became interested in the issues and how they could work on them. They wanted to know what they could do outside of class, now that they had some expertise. They wanted to know if the bills could be reintroduced or changed. Or, if the bills were passed, how did it pan out in implementation? That student ownership was nice to see."

Professor, Sociology
Drake University
Des Moines, Iowa
"[In November 2016], Iowa turned from a Democratic Senate and a Republican House and executive to an all-Republican government. Students had deep realizations about the importance of state government. They saw how the election had impact up and down the ballot, and how the results changed the work that our collaborative stakeholders were doing. The next week, a person from the ACLU came to class and talked about how they were re-evaluating everything. I saw a lot less abject anxiety in this class than in my others."
From Massachusetts Public Officials

Former Governor
"In a democracy, for better or worse, we get the government we deserve. If we want better, we need citizens to act like citizens and engage. ENACT is a great way to do so."

Sen. Richard Ross, left, and Rep. Jay Kaufman
Massachusetts Legislators
"... We have no doubt that the students' questions, insights and ideas have made us better legislators, and have helped make better policy for the commonwealth of Massachusetts ... There can be no doubt about the importance of nurturing better citizenship, and universities have a special role to play in advancing active and informed engagement with the pressing issues of the time. The network we are building in ENACT of students, faculty, activists and legislators committed to civic activism built on knowledge, cooperation, justice and integrity is more important than ever, and we are excited to be part of its growth and development."
From Legislative Partners

Executive Director
National Council of State Legislators
"ENACT offers the promise of inspiring and supporting students across the nation to become engaged citizens, even as they inform and empower their own legislatures. NCSL is the nation's premier organization for state legislatures and their staffs, bringing legislators and legislative staff together for mutual learning and a sharing of best practices, even while serving to advocate for state legislatures in the relationship between state capitals and the nation's capital in Washington, D.C. The strength and success of both NCSL and ENACT can and should be measured in terms of the efficacy and empowerment of tomorrow's citizens and leaders, and we are prepared and look forward to continuing the partnership with ENACT to that end."