German Studies Program

Sabine von Mering

Sabine von MeringProfessor of German, and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Director of the Center for German and European Studies

Research Interests

German as a foreign language
Jewish-German dialogue
German women writers
German cinema
Age of Goethe
German drama
Fairy tales
Climate change and the humanities


University of California, Davis, PhD
University of Göttingen, Erstes Staatsexamen


2023 Public Voices Fellow on the Climate Crisis with The OpEd Project, in partnership with the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Recipient of the Volkmar and Margret Sander Prize 2022 (Deutsches Haus NYU)

Theodore and Jane Norman Fund for Faculty Research and Creative Projects, 2022

Theodore and Jane Norman Fund for Faculty Research and Creative Projects, 2021

Theodore and Jane Norman Fund for Faculty Research and Creative Projects, 2019

Theodore and Jane Norman Fund for Faculty Research and Creative Projects, 2018

Teaching Innovation Grant 2018

Brandeis University Provost Research Grant, 2017

Theodore and Jane Norman Fund for Faculty Research and Creative Projects, 2017

Theodore and Jane Norman Fund for Faculty Research and Creative Projects, 2014

Theodore and Jane Norman Fund for Faculty Research and Creative Projects, 2012

Theodore and Jane Norman Fund for Faculty Research and Creative Projects, 2006

Hewlett Grant for Interdisciplinary Teaching 2001

Brandeis University Mazer Award 2000

Brandeis University Center for German and European Studies Research Travel Grant 1999

Dissertation-Year-Fellowship 1997-98, University of California Davis

Teaching Award for Outstanding Graduate Students 1997, University of California Davis

Humanities Research Award 1997, University of California Davis

Kaplan Award for Excellence in Student Teamwork 1997, University of California Davis

Select Publications

Beginning to End the Climate Crisis. A History of Our Future. English translation of Luisa Neubauer and Alexander Renning’s Vom Ende der Klimakrise. Eine Geschichte unserer Zukunft, Brandeis University Press, March 2023. 

Antisemitism on Social Media. (Routledge, New York and London: 2022), co-edited with Monika Hübscher.

“Nature, Power, and Literature: Re-reading Christa Wolf’s Störfall. Nachrichten eines Tages as ‘Ecological Force’ in Times of Climate Crisis.” In: Sonja Klocke and Jennifer Hosek (eds): Christa Wolf Companion. De Gruyter, 2018, p.97-112.

Right Wing Radicalism Today: Perspectives from Europe and the US. (Routledge, New York and London: 2013), co-edited with Timothy McCarthy.

Select Courses Taught

GECS 130b: The Princess and the Golem: Fairy Tales
GECS 167a: German Cinema: Vamps and Angels
GECS 188b: Human/Nature: European Perspectives on the Climate Crisis and What to Do About It
GER 10a: Beginning German
GER 20b: Continuing German
GER 30a: Intermediate German
GER 110a: Goethe
GER 120b: Deutsche Mäerchen
GER 140a: Bertolt Brecht und das Theater des 20.Jahrhunderts

Affiliated Departments/Programs

Environmental Studies

Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Creativity, the Arts, and Social Transformation

Full List of Publications