Work in Progress:
“Promise Motivation: Films with Good News About Climate Change.” Canadian Journal of Film Studies [accepted for publication June 5, 2023 as part of a Special Issue, edited by Andre Loiselle and Jason MacLean, under Peer Review]
Routledge Handbook of Grassroots Climate Activism, co-edited with Thomas Bell, Wendy Steele, Alexander Faustino da Silva, Ann Ward, and Mariana Arjona-Soberon [contracted, manuscript to be submitted January 15, 2024].
“Beautiful Trouble: Literature, Film, and Climate Artivism.” In preparation for Routledge Handbook of Grassroots Climate Activism.
“The Fight Against Fossil Gas. LNG and the Atlantic Climate Bridge.” with Maya Kattler-Gold. In preparation for Routledge Handbook of Grassroots Climate Activism.
Antisemitismus in den Sozialen Medien. German Translation of Antisemitism on Social Media [contracted with Barbara Budrich Verlag, to be submitted September 1, 2023]
Published Works:
Edited Volumes
Antisemitism on Social Media. (Routledge, New York and London: 2022), co-edited with Monika Hübscher. []
Right Wing Radicalism Today: Perspectives from Europe and the US. (Routledge, New York and London: 2013), co-edited with Timothy McCarthy[].
Russian-Jewish Emigration: A Transnational Community in the Making? Edition of volume of articles based on Brandeis symposium in 2004. (Brandeis Publications, June 2006). Co-edited with Olaf Gloeckner and Evgenija Garbolevsky.
International Green Politics. Volume of articles based on conference held at Brandeis on November 11, 2001. Edited with Introduction. (Brandeis Publications, May 2002).
Book Chapters
“Introduction”, Antisemitism on Social Media co-edited with Monika Hübscher (Routledge, New York and London: 2022), p.1-4. []
“A Snapshot of Antisemitism on Social Media in 2021” Antisemitism on Social Media co-edited with Monika Hübscher (Routledge, New York and London: 2022), p. 5-17. []
“Zur Wichtigkeit wissenschaftlicher Vernetzung für die Erforschung von Antisemitismus in den sozialen Medien“, co-edited with Monika Hübscher. In: Einblicke/Insights. Jahrbuch 2022 der Zentren für Deutschland- und Europastudien, November 2022.
“Nature, Power, and Literature: Re-reading Christa Wolf’s Störfall. Nachrichten eines Tages as ‘Ecological Force’ in Times of Climate Crisis.” In: Sonja Klocke andJennifer Hosek (eds): Christa Wolf Companion. De Gruyter, 2018, p.97-112.
“Searching for Justice: Jews, Germans, and the Nazi Past in RecentGerman Cinema.” In: Anton, Christine and Pilipp, Frank (eds.): Beyond Political Correctness: Remapping German Sensibilities in the 21st Century. Series: GermanMonitor Vol. 72. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2010. p.159-183.
“No Servitude is As Miserable As That of Women. Elsa Bernstein’s Neoclassical Tragedies.” In: Helga W. Kraft and Dagmar C.G. Lorenz (ed.): From Fin-de-Siècle to Theresienstadt. The Works and Life of the Writer Elsa Bernstei-Porges. [Series on Austrian Culture Vol.38]. Peter Lang Publishing: New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2007, p.115-131.
“There is a lot of antisemitic hate speech on social media, and algorithms are partly to blame.” Co-edited with Monika Hübscher, In: The Conversation, July 26, 2022.
“What Friends are For” In: Contending Modernities (link), Symposium on The Moral Triangle, posted March 4, 2022.
with Britta Kallin: “Feminist Scholarship and Feminist Climate Activism.” Digital Feminist Collective (link), posted May 30, 2020.
von Mering, Sabine. "Grenzgang als zögernde Wieder-Annäherung: Die Deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft und der Jüdisch-Deutsche Dialog." In: Eurostudia 7. No. 1-2(2011), p.47-57.
Encyclopedia entries for Franul von Weissenthurn, Johanna: “Hermann” (1813) and “Das Manuskript” (1826), Friederike Lohmann “Der blinde Harfner (1791). In:Gudrun Loster- Schneider /Gaby Pailer (eds.): Werklexikon deutschsprachiger Prosaautorinnen und Dramatikerinnen 1730-1900. München: Francke, 2006, p.142-143, 143-144, 269.
Encyclopedia entries for Robert M. Browning. In: Internationales Germanistenlexikon 1800-1950 Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach am Neckar: Verlag Walter de Gruyter (2003), p.277-278.
“Marriage—A Tragedy. German Women and the Politics of Genre.” In: Seminar 38:4 (November 2002) p.330-343.
“Jewish German Women Writers and their Sense of European Identity.” In: Conference Proceedings for the International Symposium for the Study of European Ideas [ISSEI] 2000. CD-ROM Section 4, Workshop 414.
“Aesthetically correct?—Canon Politics or: Who is afraid of Eighteenth Century German Women Dramatists?” In: Critical Sense 5.2 (Fall 1997), p.8-17.
Beginning to End the Climate Crisis. A History of Our Future. English translation of Luisa Neubauer and Alexander Renning’s Vom Ende der Klimakrise. Eine Geschichte unserer Zukunft, Brandeis University Press, March 2023. []
“Attacks on Democracy? A Troll Attack on YouTube,” In: Antisemitism on Social Media co-edited with Monika Hübscher (Routledge, New York and London: 2022), p.74-92. []
"Zwischen Anpassung und Selbstbehauptung: Die jüdische Gemeinde im Großherzogtum Posen unter preußischer Herrschaft (1815-1848)." by Sophia Kemlein. In:Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Vol. 14 (November 2001).
Book Reviews
Rev. of Taking on Technocracy. Nuclear Power in Germany, 1945 to the Present, by Dolores L.Augustine. In: German Politics and Society (Summer 2019), p.116-119.
Rev. of Energy Democracy by Arne Jungjohann and Craig Morris. In: German Politics and Society (Fall 2018), Vol 36, No.3, p.122-125.
Rev. of Protest Cultures. A Companion by Kathrin Fahlenbrach Martin Klimke, and Joachim Scharloth (eds.). In: German Politics and Society (Fall 2017), Vol 35, No.3, p.96-98.
Rev. of Greening in the Red Zone. Disaster, Resilience and Community Greening by Keith G.Tidball and Marianne E.Krasny, eds. (Dordrecht: Springer 2014). In: Journal of Education for Sustainable Development. Vol.8, No.2, p.177-179.
Rev. of Shulamit Volkov Walther Rathenau. Weimar’s Fallen Statesman. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2012). In: German Politics and Society. Issue 104 (Autumn 2013) Vol.31, No. 3, p.113-116.
Rev. of Gabriele Mueller, James M. Skidmore, eds. Cinema and Social Change in Germany and Austria. (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2012). In:German Politics and Society. Issue 103 (Winter 2012) Vol. 30, No. 4, p.108-111.
Rev. of Bonnie Roos & Alex Hunt: Postcolonial Green. Environmental Politics and World Narratives. In: Ecozon@ (Summer 2012) Vol.3 No.1 155-159.
Rev. of Christian Rogowski (ed.): The Many Faces of Weimar Cinema: Rediscovering Germany’s Filmic Legacy. In: Women in German Newsletter Spring 2011, N.117, p.10- 12.
Rev. of Jana F. Bruns: Nazi Cinema’s New Women. In: German Studies Review (February 2011) Vol.34, No.1, 231.
Rev. of Alison Rose: Jewish Women in Fin de Siecle Vienna. In: German Studies Review (Spring 2010) Vol 33, No.1, 171-172.
Rev. of Caroline Pearce: Contemporary Germany and the Nazi Legacy. Remembrance, Politics, and the Dialectic of Normality. German Studies Review, (Spring 2010), 191- 192.
Rev. of Memory Matters: generational responses to Germany’s Nazi past in recent women’s literature by Caroline Schaumann. In: Journal of Modern JewishStudies 1472- 5894 (July 2010) Volume 9, Issue 2, 284 – 286.
Rev. of Shulamit Volkov: Germans, Jews, and Antisemites. Trials in Emancipation. In: German Studies Review (Spring 2009), Vol 32, No.1, p.117-118.
Rev. of Wilke, Sabine: Ambiguous Embodiment. Construction and Destruction of Bodies in Modern German Literature and Culture. In: The German Quarterly (Spring 2003), p.227-228.
Rev. of Contemporary Jewish Writing in Germany edited by Leslie Morris and Karin Remmler. In: Sh’ma 33:595. (November 2002), p.13.
Rev. of Women in the Holocaust, by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, Polin Vol. 15 (November 2002).
Rev. of The Rhetorical Feminine: Gender and Orient on the German Stage. 1647-1742 by Sarah Colvin. Colloquia Germanica 34:2 (2001): 167-69.
Rev. of Von Angesicht zu Angesicht, by Heide Witthöft, German Studies Review XXIV:1 (February 2001), 172-73.
Rev. of Outing Goethe and His Age, by Alice A. Kuzniar, German Studies Review XXII:2. (May 1999), 287-88.
Rev. of A Year of Revolutions. Fanny Lewald’s Recollections of 1848, new translation by Hanna Ballin Lewis, German Studies Review XXII:3 (Oct 1999), 471-72.
Rev. of Sich einen Namen machen, by Susanne Kord, Women in German Newsletter (Spring 1998)
Rev. of Vergehendes Blau, by Laura Doermer, Focus on Literature (Fall 1998)