Study Abroad

A town square in Austria
Salzburg, Austria

The German Language and Literature Program encourages students to study abroad in a German-speaking country for a few weeks during the summer after your first year, and then for one or two semesters as a junior. This experience will help you practice and strengthen your proficiency, and develop cultural awareness.

Sample of Approved Programs with German Coursework

Visit the Brandeis Approved Programs List to review a comprehensive list of approved programs in German-speaking countries. You can also filter options or search for unique program traits like internships or research. Additional programs might have acceptable coursework, but this list shows the primary locations where German courses may be available.

Study Abroad Liaison

To assist students with their academic choices abroad and to help answer any questions about receiving major/minor credit while abroad, each academic department and program has assigned a faculty member to serve as the Study Abroad Liaison. As every department has different policies regarding credit from abroad, the Study Abroad Liaison can assist you with guidance on major/minor credit. Find the Study Abroad Liaison for German here.

Requesting Credit in German

Students wishing to receive credit in German for coursework done off-campus during the academic year should discuss these plans with the Study Abroad Liaison. All students as part of their application process for either a summer or semester term abroad will be required to have a course proposal reviewed by the department if they wish to receive credit in that major/minor. For the semester, this is an initial conversation and students should continue to discuss plans with the department as they have more course information (syllabi, etc.). For the summer, courses are pre-approved. Upon return, semester students should complete the Petition to Request Substitution for a Requirement form for final and formal review. 


The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) gives out a number of grants for students interested in studying in Germany. DAAD's primary goal is to facilitate transatlantic mobility to Germany, therefore Germany must be a component of your intended academic travel. Funding is awarded on a competitive basis; we consider the academic merit of the individual, the feasibility and quality of the proposal, and the impact of the applicant and application as a whole.

The Center for German and European Studies (CGES) at Brandeis also provides funding for travel, study and research in Germany. Research projects must relate to German and European Studies to be eligible for funding. CGES is especially interested in projects related to its DAAD grant-funded activities in contemporary German/European art and literature, recent political developments in Eastern and Central Europe, Russian-European relations after the cold war, current European initiatives on Climate Change, and Jewish-German dialogue. Applicants who have previously received a CGES award are eligible to apply again, but first-time applicants will be given priority.