
Scopus Replacing Web of Science on Aug. 31

The Library’s subscription to Web of Science will end on Aug. 31, 2019, with Scopus as a replacement.

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, including journals, books, and conference proceedings. Scopus also provides cited reference searching.

  • Scopus covers 98 percent of the journal titles covered by Web of Science, so the loss of content will be extremely minimal
  • Scopus covers books, monographs, and conference proceedings that we do not currently have through Web of Science
  • The switch from Web of Science to Scopus will save a significant amount of money
  • Scopus provides an API free of charge which can be leveraged by the Research Office and/or OPIR in their efforts to track research outputs and faculty activity (Clarivate charges extra money for the Web of Science API)
The Library is offering workshops and appointments to introduce members of the Brandeis community to Scopus:

Scopus Training

September 11
Introduction to Scopus
October 4
Introduction to Scopus
12:10 PM