Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collections

Castle Photographs, Middlesex University Collection

The Middlesex University Collection at Brandeis University documents a medical school founded by Dr. John Hall Smith in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1914. When the University closed in 1946, it was located in Waltham on the campus of what would become Brandeis University. This exhibit is a collection of digitized photographs, negatives and printed material focusing on "the Castle," a Middlesex University building designed and constructed from 1928 to 1940 under the auspices of President John Hall Smith. 


Exhibit created by Karen Glenn for the Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collections Department, Brandeis University. Anyone wishing to use these images for commercial use, publication, or any purpose other than fair use as defined by law must obtain prior written permission from Brandeis University.

The digitization of these images from the Middlesex University Collection was made possible by a Library Services and Technology Act grant awarded to Digital Commonwealth by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and coordinated by the Boston Public Library. These images will also be made available on the Digital Commonwealth website.