[10x] CR-10 with e3d titan aero upgrade
Type A Machine
Wanhao Prusia i3
RoVa3D 5 Extruder 3D Printer
Eris Delta Desktop Printer
DreamMaker OverLord
[6x] MP Mini Select
SeeMeCNC Eris Delta
[3x] M3D mini (Blue, Green, Orange)
Z-corp ZPrinter 250
[2x] mUVe SLA printers (one laser, one DLP)
[2x] FormLabs Form1 SLA
DeezMaker Bukito
Printrbot (paste extruder modification)
[2x] Wanhao Prussia i3
Deis3D Owned
[11x] MakerBot Rep2
MakerBot Rep2x
LeapFrog Creatr XL
Type A Machines Series 1
MakerGear M2
Ultimaker 2
ORD Solutions RoVa 5
BQ Witbox
SeeMeCNC Rostock Max V2
[2x] Prusa i3
Lulzbot Taz 5
FusionTech ideaPrinter F100L
Morgan Pro
WASP DeltaWASP 20 40 Turbo
VR Headsets (HMDs)
HTC vive
Oculus Rift
Oculus DK2
[2x] Microsoft Hololens
[2x] Samsung Gear VR
LTS Rentable
[12x] HIgh end google cardboard
[3x] OSVR Hacker Development Kit
VR club owned
[2x] HTC vive
[3x] Oculus Rift
Custom PCs
Geforce 980/ i7/32gb/500SSD
[3x] Custom PCs (TitanX / i7/32gb/500SSD)
27" iMac (Corei7 / 16GB)
[2x] 24" all-in-one Dell Desktop PC (Corei7 / 16GB)
[3x] Custom PCs (TitanX / i7/32gb/500SSD)
Custom PCs (Geforce 2070 / i7/64gb/500SSD)
Pi top
Mbed boards
Beaglebone black
Aerial Photography Drones - Must have FAA 107 licensing
Custom built racing Drones
[4x] Soldering kits
adjustable iron
iron stand
solder sucker
solder wick
ESD mat
rosin core lead free solder
[2x] bench power supplies
[2x] Muse Headbands
Myo Gesture armband
[4x] Leap motion
Artec Spider
David HP 3D Structured Light Scanner Pro S2
NextEngine desktop 3D scanner
DSLR or Aerial Photography platform for Photogrammetry
Agisoft Photoscan
[2x] Xbox kinect 360 with Skanect
[2x] Xbox kinect one
5 foot pull-down Projection Screen
55" Ideium Touch Table w/Win10
Fillabot 3D printer filament Reclaimer and Extruder/Recycler
Fillistruder 3D printer filament Reclaimer and Extruder/Recycler