Class of 1988
Class Correspondent
- Beth Fleischman Zweibel
Robert Rikeman was named to the board of directors for the Ohio Valley Oil & Gas Association. Michelle Leder writes, “In September 2012, I bought back, the site I sold to Morningstar in February 2010. After devoting several months to a top-to-bottom rebooting of the site, I relaunched Footnoted in February 2013. Just to keep things interesting, I’ve also recently relocated to the Los Angeles area after my husband, Scott, got a job at Nickelodeon.” Jeffrey Kurtz-Lendner, senior rabbi at Temple Solel, a Reform congregation in Hollywood, Fla., was appointed to the Florida Faith-Based and Community-Based Council. The group serves as a formal advisory council to Gov. Rick Scott and the state legislature, and is designed to enlist, enable, empower and expand the work of volunteer faith-based and community-based organizations.