Suggestions and Reminders
The following are reminders for candidates applying for the Mortimer Hays-Brandeis Traveling Fellowship.
The Application
Accuracy counts: If information provided in the application is incomplete or unclear, it cannot be properly evaluated.
Brief descriptive statement of your project: This should be a sentence or phrase that indicates clearly, but in general terms, the focus of your project. For example, study of large-scale narrative paintings in Florence, Italy.
Foreign language facility: What facility do you have in the language of the country you will visit? If you lack appropriate facility, how do you plan to address that situation? How necessary is language facility for your particular project? Be explicit; do not force the Selection Committee to guess.
Basis of your interest in your particular project: Be explicit! The Selection Committee is likely to take more seriously a project that is the result of some evolution and growth on your part, as opposed to a project that gives the appearance of being a last minute idea. Have you taken courses or pursued other projects or activities that reflect an interest in your project? Does your project fit into your future career or educational plans? If so, how?
Courses taken that relate to your project: These do not have to be art courses only. Any work you have done in the past that contributes to or helps explain your interest in your project may serve to demonstrate your seriousness of purpose.
The Proposal
Good writing counts: Take the time needed to write a proposal that is clear, literate, and free of mistakes. The project proposal should be written in a style and manner that make it clear and understandable to a nonexpert. See our sample proposals for examples.
Length: Your proposal should be approximately 1,500 to 2,000 words (five to seven pages), describing clearly the project and/or activities to be undertaken during the fellowship year, the goals and objectives of the project and how they will be achieved, and how the project relates to your professional or other interests.
Pay attention to the evaluation criteria: When writing your proposal, bear in mind the criteria by which it will be evaluated:
The merit of the project and its proposed outcomes;
The adequacy of your preparation and foreign-language proficiency for undertaking the project;
The necessity of travel abroad to fulfill the project;
The relationship of the project to your professional or creative goals;
Your awareness of resources that should be consulted in connection with your project;
The appropriateness of one year as the time period within which to complete the project and the clarity of the project goals and the means by which they will be achieved.
It is not necessary to answer item 6 explicitly, but the Selection Committee will be weighing that issue when evaluating your proposal.
Budget: Pay attention to the request for a budget. Make certain that your proposed expenses reflect reality. Have you considered everything — transportation, room and board, project-related expenses, art supplies and incidentals? If you have other funding sources you plan to use — for example, personal savings, parental support — mention them. If you need to use the Fellowship award to purchase equipment, explain briefly why the particular equipment item is required. Be as specific as possible.
Visual Material
All visual material must be uploaded with your application.