Office of the Provost

Faculty Guide/ScholarWorks Update | Take the ORCID iD Challenge

Feb. 4, 2022

Dear Faculty,

Work on the new ScholarWorks Faculty Guide continues. There are a series of ongoing processes associated with the new guide that will automate much of what will appear in your profile and will limit manual entry as much as possible. This “smart harvesting” of publications is going more slowly than we had hoped, but, with your help, it can go faster.

To increase the likelihood that the "smart harvesting" process will populate scholarship in faculty and researcher profiles and expedite the project, we are asking faculty who haven’t already done so to take the ORCID iD Challenge. Currently, fewer than 20% of faculty members have associated an ORCID iD with Brandeis. Our goal is that 100% of our faculty have ORCID iDs by Monday, Feb. 28.

What is ORCID? 

The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) registry provides unique, persistent, non-proprietary identifiers for researchers, creators and contributors of all types.

Why is this important to you?

An ORCID iD is a unique digital identifier that definitively ties your scholarly work to you, and can help increase recognition of your research. Your ORCID iD moves with you throughout your career, improving attribution and visibility of your grants, research, scholarship and creative and entrepreneurial activities. The use of ORCID iDs is fast becoming standard in academia, and many publishers and funders now require them.

Help Us Reach Our Goal: Take the ORCID iD Challenge!

If you haven’t already done so, please register for an ORCID iD by Monday, Feb. 28. Registration is free and takes less than a minute.

If you already have an ORCID iD, please connect your ID to your profile in ScholarWorks.

How do I get an ORCID iD?

Please see the directions at the bottom of this email for more information. For a condensed introduction to what you need to know about ORCID at Brandeis, visit the Brandeis Libraries ORCID Guide.


Reach out to  or by simply responding to this email with questions.

Thank you,

The ScholarWorks Faculty Profile Team 

How to get an ORCID iD

  1. Log into ScholarWorks.

  2. Click the "Edit profile" button above your photo. 

  3. Under the Researcher Identifiers section, click "Register or Connect your ORCID ID.

  4. Login to your existing ORCID account OR Create one if you don’t have one. ORCID iD registration is free and takes less than a minute. 

  5. Authorize Brandeis as a Trusted Organization when prompted. 

NOTE: You may find that when you click on your current ScholarWorks profile, the scholarship information is incomplete or the overview information is badly formatted. These are simply placeholders scraped from the current guide and do not reflect how your actual profile will look. We do NOT recommend updating any of this right now. Instead, let the processes run and allow data to be migrated into the new profiles. If you make updates to your profile, there is a possibility that it may be overwritten when the migration takes place. We will follow up when that process is complete.