Migration Phases
Moving your current site to the new standard university templates will be done in partnership with a member of the digital communications team.
We’ve developed a sound migration process for sites currently in the standard templates that will optimize your site for the new responsive templates. We talk with you about what your site needs to do and who it needs to serve. We examine your site’s metrics and content, review your goals and make sure your new site will meet the university's standards for content strategy, search engine optimization (SEO) and accessibility.
The process is being done in phases, defined by the following guiding principles:
Institutional Profile: Does the site advance perceptions of Brandeis’ academic excellence and distinction?
Recruitment: Does the site help create an effective platform for recruiting students and faculty?
Top-Level: Is the site a core part of the brandeis.edu hierarchy?
High Traffic: Does the site receive a significant amount of traffic?
Select a phase below to view the migration plan. You will be contacted by a member of the digital communications team at the appropriate time for your department / office. Timing may shift depending on availability.
Please Note: These phases include sites currently in the the standard university templates. If you do not see your site listed, please email cmshelp@brandeis.edu.