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Division of Social Sciences by the Numbers
- The Social Sciences Division is one of the two largest Divisions in Arts & Sciences at Brandeis.
- The Division includes 19 Departments and Programs that award BA, MA and PhDs.
- In the Fall 2023, the Division included 137 faculty.
- In Fall 2023 the Division had 102 enrolled graduate students in MA, MBA, MED and PhD programs.
- Three of the five largest undergraduate majors awarding degrees in 2023 were in the social sciences.
- The Division awarded just over half of all undergraduate majors from 2019-2023 and 56% of all minors from 2019-2023.
- About one-quarter of all university faculty in Fall 2023 were in the social sciences.
- In Fall 2023 about 55% of social science faculty are in tenured or tenure track positions.