Resources to help diversify your curricular materials
Science (in general)
- I Am a Scientist
- 1,000 inspiring Black scientists in America
- 100 inspiring Hispanic/Latinx scientists in America
- 500 Queer Scientists
- The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers
- Scientist Spotlights Initiative
Science (by discipline)
- Project Biodiversify
- Diversity in Chemistry
- Diversify Chemistry
- Diversify EEB (Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists)
- Folks in GCB (Genomics, Computational Biochemistry and Bioinformatics)
- Diversify Microbiology
- Diversify Immunology
- Neuroscience resources from the University of Maryland
Political Science, Foreign Policy, and Global Issues
- Women Also Know Stuff
- People of Color Also Know Stuff
- Foreign Policy Interrupted (focuses on banking, cyber, defense, economics, engineering, entrepreneurship, finance, investing, national security, nuclear war, science, and technology)
- Women in International Security
- African Arguments
Art History
- Email
- Programs and Services
- Events
Brandeis University Syllabus
- Brandeis University Syllabus Template
- Brandeis Official Academic Policies
- Syllabus Creation Guidelines
- How to make your syllabus more inclusive and supportive of student learning
- Possible AI Syllabus Statements
- Resources to help diversify your curricular materials
- Community Norms and Expectations
- Getting to know your students by name
- Tips for Preventing Student Plagiarism
- Best practices for preventing and managing disruptive classroom behavior
- Instructor FAQ
- Resources to help students learn how to study effectively
- Resources to help students develop reading skills
- Resources to help students read science papers and interpret data
Brandeis University Syllabus
- Grants to Support Teaching
- Active Learning
- Inclusive Teaching
- Assessments
- For TAs, TFs, CAs, and IAs
- chatGPT and AI
- People
- Student Learning Resources
- Home