Honorary Degree Recipients

Ken Burns delivers the Commencement address during the undergraduate Commencement ceremony on May 19, 2024.
Following is a list of honorary degrees granted by the Trustees of Brandeis University.
Note: This table is sortable by clicking on column headers.
Name | Degree | Occasion | Date |
Abella, Rosalie Silberman | Laws | 66th Commencement | 2017, 05-21 |
Abrams, Hannah W. | Humane Letters | Founders’ Day | 1986, 11-02 |
Acheson, Dean Gooderham | Humane Letters | 5th Commencement | 1956, 06-10 |
Adams, Robert McCormick | Humane Letters | 41st Commencement | 1992, 05-24 |
Albee, Edward F. | Humane Letters | 28th Commencement | 1979, 05-27 |
Alberstein, Chava | Music | 67th Commencement | 2018, 05-13 |
Albright, Madeleine K. | Laws | 45th Commencement | 1996, 05-19 |
Allon, Yigal | Laws | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Alpert, George | Laws | 2nd Commencement | 1953, 06-14 |
Altman, Stuart H. | Humane Letters | 40th Commencement | 1991, 05-26 |
Altmann, Alexander | Humane Letters | 28th Commencement | 1979, 05-27 |
Ancell, Nathan S. | Humane Letters | 39th Commencement | 1990, 05-20 |
Anderson, Marian | Humane Letters | 9th Commencement | 1960, 06-12 |
Anderson, Robert Orville | Humane Letters | Wien International Scholarship Program 25th Convocation | 1983, 11-13 |
Anfinsen, Christian B. | Science | 26th Commencement | 1977, 05-22 |
Annenberg, Leonore | Humane Letters | 48th Commencement | 1999, 05-23 |
Annenberg, Walter H. | Humane Letters | 44th Commencement | 1995, 05-21 |
Appelfeld, Aharon | Humane Letters | 45th Commencement | 1996, 05-19 |
Arias, Oscar | Laws | 46th Commencement | 1997, 05-25 |
Aron, Raymond C.F. | Humane Letters | 27th Commencement | 1978, 05-28 |
Atkinson, Brooks | Laws | 14th Commencement | 1965, 06-13 |
Axelrod, James J. | Humane Letters | 6th Commencement | 1957, 06-09 |
Babbitt, Milton | Humane Letters | 40th Commencement | 1991, 05-26 |
Baeck, Dr. Leo | Humane Letters | Chapel Dedication | 1955, 10-30 |
Balanchine, George | Humane Letters | 14th Commencement | 1965, 06-13 |
Baldwin, Roger Nash | Laws | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Ball, George | Humane Letters | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Banda, Hastings Kamuzu | Laws | 15th Anniversary Convocation | 1963, 10-06 |
Barak, Aharon | Laws | 52nd Commencement | 2003, 05-18 |
Baryshnikov, Mikhail | Humane Letters | 32nd Commencement | 1983, 05-22 |
Baumritter, Florence | Humane Letters | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Baumritter, Theodore | Humane Letters | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Beadle, George Wells | Laws | 15th Anniversary Convocation | 1963, 10-06 |
Beinfield, Victor H. | Humane Letters | 37th Commencement | 1988, 05-29 |
Belafonte, Harry | Humane Letters | 40th Commencement | 1991, 05-26 |
Bell, Daniel | Humane Letters | 40th Commencement | 1991, 05-26 |
Bellow, Saul | Humane Letters | 23rd Commencement | 1974, 05-19 |
Ben-Gurion, David | Laws | Ben-Gurion Convocation | 1960, 03-09 |
Benjamin, Robert Saul | Humane Letters | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Benton, William | Laws | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Benzer, Seymour | Science | 27th Commencement | 1978, 05-28 |
Berger, Clarence Q. | Humane Letters | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Bergson, Abram | Humane Letters | 34th Commencement | 1985, 05-19 |
Berlin, Sir Isaiah | Laws | 16th Commencement | 1967, 06-11 |
Bernstein, Leonard | Humane Letters | 8th Commencement | 1959, 06-07 |
Bernstein, Marver Hillel | Humane Letters | 32nd Commencement | 1983, 05-22 |
Berry, George Packer | Humane Letters | 13th Commencement | 1964, 06-07 |
Beveridge, Lord | Humane Letters | 10th Commencement | 1961, 06-11 |
Bial ’87, Deborah | Humane Letters | 61st Commencement | 2012, 05-20 |
Bibring, Grete Lehner | Humane Letters | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Bishop, Elizabeth | Humane Letters | 27th Commencement | 1978, 05-28 |
Blackburn, Elizabeth | Science | 53rd Commencement | 2004, 05-23 |
Bloch, Felix | Laws | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
Bok, Derek | Humane Letters | 42nd Commencement | 1993, 05-23 |
Bonner, Elena | Humane Letters | 41st Commencement | 1992, 05-24 |
Booker, Cory A. | Humane Letters | 58th Commencement | 2009, 05-17 |
Boorstin, Daniel J. | Humane Letters | 37th Commencement | 1988, 05-29 |
Bowker, Albert Hosmer | Laws | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Brademas, Stephen John | Humane Letters | 16th Commencement | 1967, 06-11 |
Bradley, Tom | Laws | 24th Commencement | 1975, 06-01 |
Branscombe, Harvie | Laws | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Branson, Herman Russell | Humane Letters | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Brauer, Richard D. | Science | 24th Commencement | 1975, 06-01 |
Brennan Jr., William J. | Laws | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Brenner, Sydney | Science | 61st Commencement | 2012, 05-20 |
Breyer, Stephen | Laws | 51st Commencement | 2002, 05-26 |
Brokaw, Tom | Humane Letters | 54th Commencement | 2005, 05-22 |
Bronfman, Charles R. | Humane Letters | 41st Commencement | 1992, 05-24 |
Bronk, Detlev W. | Science | 6th Commencement | 1957, 06-09 |
Brooks, David | Humane Letters | 60th Commencement | 2011, 05-22 |
Brooks-Randolph, Angie | Humane Letters | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Buchwald, Art | Humane Letters | 36th Commencement | 1987, 05-17 |
Buergenthal, Thomas | Laws | 60th Commencement | 2011, 05-22 |
Bunche, Ralph Johnson | Laws | 9th Commencement | 1960, 06-12 |
Bundy, McGeorge | Laws | 12th Commencement | 1963, 06-09 |
Bunn, Edward Bernard | Laws | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Bunting, Mary Ingraham | Science | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Burns, Arthur Frank | Laws | Wien International Scholarship Program 25th Convocation | 1983, 11-13 |
Burns, George | Humane Letters | Los Angeles Ceremony | 1993, 06-24 |
Burns, Ken | Creative Arts | 73rd Commencement | 2024, 05-19 |
Calderon, Ruth | Humane Letters | 69th Commencement | 2020, 05-24 |
Calderone, Mary S. | Science | 24th Commencement | 1975, 06-01 |
Canada, Geoffrey | Humane Letters | 63rd Commencement | 2014, 05-18 |
Canham, Erwin Dain | Humane Letters | 15th Commencement | 1966, 06-12 |
Carmi, Rivka | Science | 68th Commencement | 2019, 05-19 |
Carnovsky, Gertrude | Master of Arts | 28th Commencement | 1979, 05-27 |
Caro, Anthony Alfred | Humane Letters | 29th Commencement | 1980, 05-25 |
Carroll, James | Humane Letters | 57th Commencement | 2008, 05-18 |
Case, Harold Claude | Laws | 10th Commencement | 1961, 06-11 |
Caspersson, Torbjorn Oskar | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Cassin, Rene Samuel | Laws | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Cater, Douglass | Humane Letters | 16th Commencement | 1967, 06-11 |
Chagall, Marc | Laws | 9th Commencement | 1960, 06-12 |
Chandler, Alvin Duke | Laws | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Chavez-Thompson, Linda | Humane Letters | 50th Commencement | 2001, 05-20 |
Chihuly, Dale | Fine Arts | 49th Commencement | 2000, 05-21 |
Chisholm, Brock | Humane Letters | 9th Commencement | 1960, 06-12 |
Clark, Kenneth B. | Humane Letters | 40th Anniversary Convocation | 1988, 10-08 |
Clark, William Ramsey | Laws | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Cleveland, James Harlan | Laws | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Cohen, Benjamin V. | Laws | 24th Commencement | 1975, 06-01 |
Cohen, Gerson David | Humane Letters | 36th Commencement | 1987, 05-17 |
Cohen, Maurice | Humane Letters | 34th Commencement | 1985, 05-19 |
Cohen, Saul G. | Science | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Cohen, Wilbur Joseph | Humane Letters | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Cohn, Mildred | Science | 33rd Commencement | 1984, 05-20 |
Coleman, Mary Sue | Science | 67th Commencement | 2018, 05-13 |
Commager, Henry Steele | Laws | Library Convocation | 1959, 11-08 |
Compton, Arthur Holly | Science | 6th Commencement | 1957, 06-09 |
Conlon, James Joseph | Humane Letters | 58th Commencement | 2009, 05-17 |
Coolidge, Harold J. | Science | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
Coombs, Philip Hall | Laws | 11th Commencement | 1962, 06-10 |
Copland, Aaron | Humane Letters | 6th Commencement | 1957, 06-09 |
Cordier, Andrew W. | Laws | 15th Commencement | 1966, 06-12 |
Cori, Carl Ferdinand | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Cotler, Irwin | Laws | 56th Commencement | 2007, 05-20 |
Cousins, Norman | Humane Letters | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves | Science | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
Cox, Archibald | Laws | 40th Anniversary Convocation | 1988, 10-08 |
Cronkite, Walter L. | Humane Letters | 36th Commencement | 1987, 05-17 |
Crown, Lester | Humane Letters | 53rd Commencement | 2004, 05-23 |
Cushing, Richard Cardinal | Humane Letters | 13th Commencement | 1964, 06-07 |
Cutler, Arnold R. | Laws | 33rd Commencement | 1984, 05-20 |
Dalai Lama, His Holiness the 14th (Tenzin Gyatso) | Humane Letters | Convocation | 1998, 05-08 |
Danielsen, Albert V. | Humane Letters | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Darden, Christine Mann | Science | 71st Commencement | 2022, 05-22 |
Davidson, George F. | Humane Letters | 10th Commencement | 1961, 06-11 |
DeBerry ’70, GSAS MA’78, PhD’79, Roy | Humane Letters | 73rd Commencement | 2024, 05-19 |
Dibner, Bern | Science | 26th Commencement | 1977, 05-22 |
Dillard, Irving | Civil Law | 5th Commencement | 1956, 06-10 |
Dinitz, Simcha | Laws | 28th Commencement | 1979, 05-27 |
Doctorow, E.L. | Humane Letters | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Dori, Yaacov | Laws | 13th Commencement | 1964, 06-07 |
Douglas, Paul Howard | Laws | 2nd Commencement | 1953, 06-14 |
Dresselhaus, Mildred | Science | 65th Commencement | 2016, 05-22 |
Drinan S.J., Robert | Humane Letters | 51st Commencement | 2002, 05-26 |
Dubinsky, David | Humane Letters | 15th Commencement | 1966, 06-12 |
Duhig, Charles Warner | Humane Letters | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Eban, Abba | Laws | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Edelman, Marian Wright | Humane Letters | 37th Commencement | 1988, 05-29 |
Eilenberg, Samuel | Science | 29th Commencement | 1980, 05-25 |
Elath, Eliahu | Laws | 12th Commencement | 1963, 06-09 |
Ellenson, David | Humane Letters | 73rd Commencement | 2024, 05-19 |
Epstein, Rubin | Humane Letters | 29th Commencement | 1980, 05-25 |
Evans, Maurice | Laws | Phi Beta Kappa Convocation | 1961, 10-08 |
Eizenstat, Stuart | Laws | 50th Commencement | 2001, 05-20 |
Fairbank, John K. | Humane Letters | 28th Commencement | 1979, 05-27 |
Farber, Leonard L. | Humane Letters | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Farber, Sidney | Humane Letters | 12th Commencement | 1963, 06-09 |
Farmer, Paul | Humane Letters | 59th commencement | 2010, 05-23 |
Farrell, Suzanne | Fine Arts | 64th Commencement | 2015, 05-17 |
Feinberg, Abraham | Laws | 10th Commencement | 1961, 06-11 |
Feldberg, Max | Humane Letters | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Feldberg, Stanley H. | Humane Letters | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Fierman, Harold L. | Laws | 23rd Commencement | 1974, 05-19 |
Finkelstein, Louis | Laws | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Fisher, Max M. | Humane Letters | 46th Commencement | 1997, 05-25 |
Fogarty, John Edward | Laws | 10th Commencement | 1961, 06-11 |
Folkman, Judah | Science | 56th Commencement | 2007, 05-20 |
Ford, John | Humane Letters | 14th Commencement | 1965, 06-13 |
Ford, Joseph F. | Humane Letters | 4th Commencement | 1955, 06-12 |
Foster, Henry L. | Humane Letters | 34th Commencement | 1985, 05-19 |
Frankenthaler, Helen | Humane Letters | 31st Commencement | 1982, 05-23 |
Frankfurter, Felix | Humane Letters | 5th Commencement | 1956, 06-10 |
Franklin, John Hope | Humane Letters | 34th Commencement | 1985, 05-19 |
Freund, Paul A. | Laws | 23rd Commencement | 1974, 05-19 |
Friedman ’75, Thomas L. | Humane Letters | 40th Anniversary Convocation | 1988, 10-08 |
Friend, Charlotte | Science | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Friendly, Henry Jacob | Laws | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Fuchs, Lawrence | Humane Letters | 51st Commencement | 2002, 05-26 |
Fuller, R. Buckminster | Humane Letters | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
Galbraith, John Kenneth | Laws | 15th Anniversary Convocation | 1963, 10-06 |
Gallagher, Buell Gordon | Laws | 3rd Commencement | 1954, 06-13 |
Gardner, John William | Laws | 12th Commencement | 1963, 06-09 |
Gayle, Helene D. | Humane Letters | 57th Commencement | 2008, 05-18 |
Geertz, Clifford | Humane Letters | 33rd Commencement | 1984, 05-20 |
Gehry, Frank O. | Humane Letters | 51st Commencement | 2002, 05-26 |
Geremek, Bronislaw | Laws | 48th Commencement | 1999, 05-23 |
Gertner, Nancy | Laws | 60th Commencement | 2011, 05-22 |
Giamatti, A. Bartlett | Humane Letters | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Gielgud, Sir John | Laws | 14th Commencement | 1965, 06-13 |
Gilbert, Frank Brandeis | Humane Letters | 65th Commencement | 2016, 05-22 |
Gilbert, Susan Brandeis | Humane Letters | 15th Anniversary Convocation | 1963, 10-06 |
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader | Laws | 45th Commencement | 1996, 05-19 |
Ginzberg, Louis | Humane Letters | 2nd Commencement | 1953, 06-14 |
Glass, Philip | Music | 40th Anniversary Convocation | 1988, 10-08 |
Glatzer, Nahum | Humane Letters | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Glenn, John H. | Laws | 48th Commencement | 1999, 05-23 |
Glueck, Nelson | Humane Letters | Phi Beta Kappa Convocation | 1961, 10-08 |
Goldberg, Arthur J. | Laws | 15th Commencement | 1966, 06-12 |
Goldberg, Whoopi | Humane Letters | 46th Commencement | 1997, 05-25 |
Goldberger, Marvin L. | Science | 40th Commencement | 1991, 05-26 |
Goldfarb, Jacob | Humane Letters | 15th Anniversary Convocation | 1963, 10-06 |
Goldman, Richard N. | Humane Letters | 51st Commencement | 2002, 05-26 |
Goldmann, Nahum | Humane Letters | 27th Commencement | 1978, 05-28 |
Goldstein, Edward | Humane Letters | Founders’ Day | 1986, 11-02 |
Goldstein, Israel | Humane Letters | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Goldstein, Nathaniel L. | Laws | 25th Commencement | 1976, 05-30 |
Goldstone, Richard J. | Laws | 53rd Commencement | 2004, 05-23 |
Gombrich, Sir Ernst | Humane Letters | 30th Commencement | 1981, 05-24 |
Goodman, Benny | Music | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Gordon ’65, Ellen | Humane Letters | 70th Commencement | 2021, 05-23 |
Gordon-Reed, Annette | Humane Letters | 72nd Commencement | 2023, 05-21 |
Gould, Laurence McKinley | Laws | Phi Beta Kappa Convocation | 1961, 10-08 |
Graham, Frank Porter | Laws | 9th Commencement | 1960, 06-12 |
Graham, Martha | Humane Letters | 12th Commencement | 1963, 06-09 |
Gray, Hanna Holborn | Humane Letters | 32nd Commencement | 1983, 05-22 |
Greenberg, Alan C. | Humane Letters | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Greenberg, Irving | Humane Letters | Founders’ Day | 1986, 11-02 |
Gregorian, Vartan | Humane Letters | 62nd Commencement | 2013, 05-19 |
Grennan, Jacqueline | Humane Letters | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Griswold, Erwin Nathaniel | Laws | 5th Commencement | 1956, 06-10 |
Gruening, Ernest | Laws | 8th Commencement | 1959, 06-07 |
Gruenther, Alfred M. | Humane Letters | 8th Commencement | 1959, 06-07 |
Guerard, Albert Leon | Letters | 6th Commencement | 1957, 06-09 |
Gutman, Israel | Humane Letters | 58th Commencement | 2009, 05-17 |
Guttmacher, Dr. Alan F. | Science | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
Haber, William | Laws | 24th Commencement | 1975, 06-01 |
Hale, Mother Clara | Humane Letters | 39th Commencement | 1990, 05-20 |
Halle, Morris | Science | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Halperin-Kaddari, Ruth | Laws | 73rd Commencement | 2024, 05-19 |
Hambro, Edvard Isak | Laws | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Hampton, Henry E. | Humane Letters | 42nd Commencement | 1993, 05-23 |
Harlan II, John Marshall | Humane Letters | Chapel Dedication | 1955, 10-30 |
Harman, Avraham | Humane Letters | 15th Commencement | 1966, 06-12 |
Harriman, William Averell | Laws | 16th Commencement | 1967, 06-11 |
Harris P’05, David | Humane Letters | 71st Commencement | 2022, 05-22 |
Harris, Patricia | Laws | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Hassenfeld, Alan | Humane Letters | 69th Commencement | 2020, 05-24 |
Hassenfeld, Sylvia K. | Humane Letters | 47th Commencement | 1998, 05-24 |
Hayes, (MacArthur) Helen | Humane Letters | 13th Commencement | 1964, 06-07 |
Heald, Henry Townley | Humane Letters | 15th Commencement | 1966, 06-12 |
Heard, George Alexander | Humane Letters | 34th Commencement | 1985, 05-19 |
Heaton, Leonard Dudley | Humane Letters | 13th Commencement | 1964, 06-07 |
Heckscher, August | Humane Letters | 13th Commencement | 1964, 06-07 |
Hellman, Lillian | Humane Letters | 4th Commencement | 1955, 06-12 |
Helmsley, Harry B. | Humane Letters | 23rd Commencement | 1974, 05-19 |
Hemingway ’53, Herman | Humane Letters | 70th Commencement | 2021, 05-23 |
Henry, David Dickinson | Humane Letters | 16th Commencement | 1967, 06-11 |
Herter, Christian A. | Laws | 4th Commencement | 1955, 06-13 |
Herzog, Chaim | Laws | Herzog Convocation | 1987, 11-15 |
Hesburgh, Theodore M. | Laws | 11th Commencement | 1962, 06-10 |
Hewitt, Don S. | Humane Letters | 39th Commencement | 1990, 05-20 |
Hexter, Maurice B. | Humane Letters | 10th Commencement | 1961, 06-11 |
Hiatt, Jacob | Humane Letters | 26th Commencement | 1977, 05-22 |
Hindus, Milton | Humane Letters | Founders’ Day | 1986, 11-02 |
Hironaka, MA’64, Wakako K. | Laws | Founders’ Day | 1987, 10-24 |
Hirschfeld, Al | Humane Letters | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Hodes, Richard | Science | 62nd Commencement | 2013, 05-19 |
Hoffman, Paul G. | Laws | 4th Commencement | 1955, 06-12 |
Hoffmann, Roald | Humane Letters | 46th Commencement | 1997, 05-25 |
Hokin, Edwin E. | Humane Letters | 28th Commencement | 1979, 05-27 |
Holbrooke, Richard | Laws | 52nd Commencement | 2003, 05-18 |
Holland, Agnieszka | Creative Arts | 65th Commencement | 2016, 05-22 |
Holland, Kenneth | Laws | 16th Commencement | 1967, 06-11 |
Horne, Marilyn Bernice | Humane Letters | 58th Commencement | 2009, 05-17 |
Hornstein, Benjamin S. | Humane Letters | Founders’ Day | 1986, 11-02 |
Hrabowski III, Freeman A. | Humane Letters | 67th Commencement | 2018, 05-13 |
Humphrey, Hubert H. | Laws | 10th Commencement | 1961, 06-11 |
Inouye, Daniel K. | Laws | 39th Commencement | 1990, 05-20 |
Jaffe, Meyer | Humane Letters | 6th Commencement | 1957, 06-09 |
Jakobson, Max | Laws | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Jakobson, Roman | Humane Letters | 30th Commencement | 1981, 05-24 |
Javits, Jacob K. | Laws | 33rd Commencement | 1984, 05-20 |
Jessup, Philip Caryl | Laws | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Jin, MA’89, PhD’93, Ha | Humane Letters | 54th Commencement | 2005, 05-22 |
Johnson, Alvin Saunders | Humane Letters | 3rd Commencement | 1954, 06-13 |
Johnson, Philip | Humane Letters | 39th Commencement | 1990, 05-20 |
Jones, Quincy | Music | 41st Commencement | 1992, 05-24 |
Jordan, Barbara C. | Laws | 25th Commencement | 1976, 05-30 |
Jordan Jr., Vernon E. | Laws | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
Kamen, Martin D. | Science | 40th Anniversary Convocation | 1988, 10-08 |
Kampelman, Max M. | Laws | 42nd Commencement | 1993, 05-23 |
Kaplan, Mordecai M. | Humane Letters | 11th Commencement | 1962, 06-10 |
Kaplan, Nathan O. | Science | 31st Commencement | 1982, 05-23 |
Karikó, Katalin | Science | 72nd Commencement | 2023, 05-21 |
Katz, Milton | Laws | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Katzenbach, Nicholas | Laws | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Katzir, Ephraim | Science | Katzir Convocation | 1975, 03-09 |
Kauffman ’78, Marta | Creative Arts | 69th Commencement | 2020, 05-24 |
Kay, Stephen B. | Humane Letters | 57th Commencement | 2008, 05-18 |
Kaye, Danny | Humane Letters | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Kaye, Judith S. | Laws | 59th Commencement | 2010, 05-23 |
Kelly, Ellsworth | Fine Arts | 62nd Commencement | 2013, 05-19 |
Kenney, Bamaby Conrad | Humane Letters | 15th Commencement | 1966, 06-12 |
Kennan, George Frost | Laws | Wien International Scholarship Program Convocation | 1958, 10-12 |
Kennedy, Edward M. | Laws | 24th Commencement | 1975, 06-01 |
Kennedy, John F. | Laws | Wien International Scholarship Program Convocation | 1958, 10-12 |
Keppel, Francis | Humane Letters | 15th Commencement | 1966, 06-12 |
Kerr, Clark | Laws | 13th Commencement | 1964, 06-07 |
Killian Jr., James R. | Laws | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Kimball, Dudley Fisher | Laws | 8th Commencement | 1959, 06-07 |
Kincaid, Jamaica | Humane Letters | 64th Commencement | 2015, 05-17 |
King, Coretta Scott | Humane Letters | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Kingston, Maxine Hong | Humane Letters | 40th Commencement | 1991, 05-26 |
Kistiakowsky, George B. | Science | 31st Commencement | 1982, 05-23 |
Klutznick, Philip M. | Laws | 23rd Commencement | 1974, 05-19 |
Knowles, Asa Smallidge | Laws | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Knopf, Alfred A. | Humane Letters | 12th Commencement | 1963, 06-09 |
Kohl, Helmut | Laws | 47th Commencement | 1998, 05-24 |
Kohn, Walter | Science | 30th Commencement | 1981, 05-24 |
Kollek, Teddy | Humane Letters | 41st Commencement | 1992, 05-24 |
Kolthoff, Izaak M. | Science | 23rd Commencement | 1974, 05-19 |
Koop, C. Everett | Science | 39th Commencement | 1990, 05-20 |
Koppel, Ted | Humane Letters | 51st Commencement | 2002, 05-26 |
Koshland Jr., Daniel E. | Science | 49th Commencement | 2000, 05-21 |
Kraft ’64, Myra Hiatt | Humane Letters | 61st Commencement | 2012, 05-20 |
Krauschaar, Otto F. | Laws | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Krim, Mathilde | Science | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Kushner, Tony | Humane Letters | 55th Commencement | 2006, 05-21 |
Kuznets, Simon S. | Humane Letters | 24th Commencement | 1975, 06-01 |
Labouisse, H. Richardson | Humane Letters | Wien International Scholarship Program 25th Convocation | 1983, 11-13 |
Lamport, M.A.’63, Ph.D.’72, Leslie | Science | 66th Commencement | 2017, 05-21 |
Land, Edwin Herbert | Science | 29th Commencement | 1980, 05-25 |
Landau ’68, Jon | Music | 68th Commencement | 2019, 05-19 |
Lander, Eric | Science | 63rd Commencement | 2014, 05-18 |
Laqueur, Walter | Humane Letters | 43rd Commencement | 1994, 05-22 |
Laserna, Mario | Laws | 11th Commencement | 1962, 06-10 |
Lauren, Ralph | Humane Letters | 45th Commencement | 1996, 05-19 |
Lawrence-Lightfoot, Sara | Humane Letters | 52nd Commencement | 2003, 05-18 |
Leach, Sir Edmund R. | Humane Letters | 25th Commencement | 1976, 05-30 |
Lehman, Herbert | Laws | 3rd Commencement | 1954, 06-13 |
Lemberg, Samuel | Humane Letters | 16th Commencement | 1967, 06-11 |
Lerman, Miles | Humane Letters | 44th Commencement | 1995, 05-21 |
Lerner, Gerda | Humane Letters | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Lerner, Max | Humane Letters | 31st Commencement | 1982, 05-23 |
Levenson ’52, Paul E. | Laws | 36th Commencement | 1987, 05-17 |
Leventhal, Norman B. | Humane Letters | 39th Commencement | 1990, 05-20 |
Levi, Edward Hirsch | Laws | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Levy, Leonard W. | Humane Letters | Founders’ Day | 1987, 10-24 |
Lewis, Bernard | Humane Letters | 42nd Commencement | 1993, 05-23 |
Lewis, John R. | Humane Letters | 47th Commencement | 1998, 05-24 |
Lewis, Sir W. Arthur | Humane Letters | 31st Commencement | 1982, 05-23 |
Libeskind, Daniel | Humane Letters | 56th Commencement | 2007, 05-20 |
Linowitz, Sol | Laws | 31st Commencement | 1982, 05-23 |
Linsey, Joseph M. | Humane Letters | 25th Commencement | 1976, 05-30 |
Lipmann, Fritz | Humane Letters | 8th Commencement | 1959, 06-07 |
Lipmann, Walter | Laws | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Lipshitz, Jacques | Humane Letters | Library Convocation | 1959, 11-08 |
Lipstadt, MA’72, PhD’76, Deborah E. | Humane Letters | 68th Commencement | 2019, 05-19 |
Liu, Cixin | Arts | 68th Commencement | 2019, 05-19 |
Lopez, Salvador Ponce | Laws | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Lowell, Ralph | Laws | Phi Beta Kappa Convocation | 1961, 10-08 |
Lown, Philip W. | Humane Letters | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
Lubin, Isador | Laws | 15th Commencement | 1966, 06-12 |
Lunt, Alfred and Lynn Fontanne | Humane Letters | 14th Commencement | 1965, 06-13 |
Luria, Salvador E. | Science | 28th Commencement | 1979, 05-27 |
Lynch, P’17, Lisa M. | Humane Letters | 66th Commencement | 2017, 05-21 |
Lynch, Peter S. | Humane Letters | 50th Commencement | 2001, 05-20 |
Ma, Yo-Yo | Humane Letters | 60th Commencement | 2011, 05-22 |
Mabogunje ’63, Oluwatope A. | Science | 40th Commencement | 1991, 05-26 |
MacKinnon ’78, Roderick | Science | 54th Commencement | 2005, 05-22 |
MacLeish, Archibald | Laws | Library Convocation | 1959, 11-08 |
Mahoney, Margaret E. | Humane Letters | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Magruder, Calvert | Laws | 5th Commencement | 1956, 06-10 |
Mailman, Joseph L. | Humane Letters | 27th Commencement | 1978, 05-28 |
Mandel, P’73, Barbara A. | Humane Letters | 68th Commencement | 2019, 05-19 |
Mandel, Morton | Humane Letters | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Manuel, Frank E. | Humane Letters | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Marcus, Bernard | Humane Letters | 50th Commencement | 2001, 05-20 |
Marcus, Jacob R. | Humane Letters | 27th Commencement | 1978, 05-28 |
Martin, Luis Muñoz | Humane Letters | Phi Beta Kappa Convocation | 1961, 10-08 |
Maritain, Jacques | Humane Letters | Chapel Dedication | 1955, 10-30 |
Markey, Edward J. | Laws | 54th Commencement | 2005, 05-22 |
Marsalis, Wynton | Humane Letters | 45th Commencement | 1996, 05-19 |
Marshall, Margaret Hilary | Laws | 54th Commencement | 2005, 05-22 |
Marshall, Thurgood | Humane Letters | 10th Commencement | 1961, 06-11 |
Mason, Alpheus | Humane Letters | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Mays, Benjamin E. | Humane Letters | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
Mazer, William | Humane Letters | 26th Commencement | 1977, 05-22 |
McCarthy, Richard Dean | Laws | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
McCollum, Elmer V. | Humane Letters | 8th Commencement | 1959, 06-07 |
McCormack, Elizabeth Jane | Laws | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
McCree Jr., Wade Hampton | Laws | 29th Commencement | 1980, 05-25 |
McCullough, David | Humane Letters | 52nd Commencement | 2003, 05-18 |
McGill, Ralph Emerson | Humane Letters | 15th Anniversary Convocation | 1963, 10-06 |
Meir, Golda | Laws | Meir Convocation | 1973, 03-06 |
Mendel, Arthur | Humane Letters | 25th Commencement | 1976, 05-30 |
Mendes-France, Pierre | Laws | 8th Commencement | 1959, 06-07 |
Merton, Robert K. | Humane Letters | 32nd Commencement | 1983, 05-22 |
Metcalf, Keyes Dewitt | Humane Letters | Library Convocation | 1959, 11-08 |
Metzenbaum, Howard M. | Laws | Founders’ Day | 1986, 11-02 |
Mfume, Kweisi | Humane Letters | 53rd Commencement | 2004, 05-23 |
Michaels, Edith | Humane Letters | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Milhaud, Darius | Humane Letters | 4th Commencement | 1955, 06-12 |
Miller, Arthur | Humane Letters | 47th Commencement | 1998, 05-24 |
Miller, Jean Baker | Humane Letters | 36th Commencement | 1987, 05-17 |
Milosz, Czeslaw | Humane Letters | 32nd Commencement | 1983, 05-22 |
Mingus, Charles | Humane Letters | 23rd Commencement | 1974, 05-19 |
Minow, Newton N. | Laws | 15th Anniversary Convocation | 1963, 10-06 |
Misler, Albert D. | Humane Letters | Founders’ Day | 1987, 10-24 |
Mitchell, George J. | Laws | 49th Commencement | 2000, 05-21 |
Modigliani, Franco | Humane Letters | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Momigliano, Arnoldo D. | Humane Letters | 26th Commencement | 1977, 05-22 |
Mondale, Walter F. | Laws | 30th Commencement | 1981, 05-24 |
Monro, John Usher | Humane Letters | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Morgan, Arthur Ernest | Laws | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Morris, Errol | Humane Letters | 60th Commencement | 2011, 05-22 |
Morris, Robert | Humane Letters | 33rd Commencement | 1984, 05-20 |
Morse, David Abner | Humane Letters | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Muñoz Molina, Antonio | Humane Letters | 59th commencement | 2010, 05-23 |
Murphy, G’61, Joseph S. | Humane Letters | 40th Anniversary | 1988, 10-08 |
Murrow, Edward Roscoe | Laws | 8th Commencement | 1959, 06-07 |
Myrdal, Alva | Laws | 23rd Commencement | 1974, 05-19 |
Myrdal, Gunnar Karl | Laws | Phi Beta Kappa Convocation | 1961, 10-08 |
Nagel, Ernest | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Nason, John William | Laws | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Neuharth, Allen H. | Humane Letters | 40th Anniversary | 1988, 10-08 |
Nevelson, Louise | Humane Letters | 34th Commencement | 1985, 05-19 |
Nicoll, Allardyce | Humane Letters | 14th Commencement | 1965, 06-13 |
Noel-Baker, Philip J. | Laws | 9th Commencement | 1960, 06-12 |
Norman, Jessye | Music | 37th Commencement | 1988, 05-29 |
Norman, Ralph | Master of Arts | 26th Commencement | 1977, 05-22 |
Oates, Joyce Carol | Humane Letters | 56th Commencement | 2007, 05-20 |
O’Brien, Conor Cruise | Humane Letters | 44th Commencement | 1995, 05-21 |
Ochoa, Severo | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Oren, Michael B. | Laws | 59th commencement | 2010, 05-23 |
Osher, Bernard | Humane Letters | 53rd Commencement | 2004, 05-23 |
Ottolenghi, Yotam | Humane Letters | 64th Commencement | 2015, 05-17 |
Oz, Amos | Humane Letters | 47th Commencement | 1998, 05-24 |
Ozick, Cynthia | Humane Letters | 39th Commencement | 1990, 05-20 |
Pachauri, Rejendra Kumar | Humane Letters | 58th Commencement | 2009, 05-17 |
Pahlavi, Princess Ashraf | Laws | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi | Humane Letters | 15th Anniversary Convocation | 1963, 10-06 |
Papp, Joseph | Creative Arts | 40th Anniversary | 1988, 10-08 |
Patrick, Deval | Laws | 66th Commencement | 2017, 05-21 |
Patterson, Franklin K. | Laws | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Pekeris, Chaim L. | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Pell, Claiborne DeBorda | Laws | 36th Commencement | 1987, 05-17 |
Pelosi, Nancy | Laws | 52nd Commencement | 2003, 05-18 |
Peres, Shimon | Laws | 46th Commencement | 1997, 05-25 |
Peretz ’59, Martin | Humane Letters | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Peri, Chaim | Humane Letters | 62nd Commencement | 2013, 05-19 |
Perkins, Frances | Humane Letters | 10th Commencement | 1961, 06-11 |
Perlman, Itzhak | Humane Letters | 31st Commencement | 1982, 05-23 |
Perlmutter ’56, Louis | Humane Letters | 44th Commencement | 1995, 05-21 |
Peyre, Henri | Humane Letters | 24th Commencement | 1975, 06-01 |
Piaget, Jean | Humane Letters | 11th Commencement | 1962, 06-10 |
Pickering, Thomas R. | Laws | 64th Commencement | 2015, 05-17 |
Pickett, Clarence E. | Humane Letters | 9th Commencement | 1960, 06-12 |
Piel, Gerard | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Pindell, Howardena | Fine Arts | 69th Commencement | 2020, 05-24 |
Poggioli, Sylvia Laura | Humane Letters | 49th Commencement | 2000, 05-21 |
Polier, Justine Wise | Laws | 34th Commencement | 1985, 05-19 |
Polisi, Joseph W. | Fine Arts | 61st Commencement | 2012, 05-20 |
Poses, Jack I. | Laws | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Poses, Lillian L. | Humane Letters | Founders’ Day | 1986, 11-02 |
Potofsky, Jacob Samuel | Laws | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Press, Frank | Science | 36th Commencement | 1987, 05-17 |
Price, Hollis Freeman | Laws | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Proskauer, Joseph M. | Laws | 4th Commencement | 1955, 06-12 |
Rabb, Norman Saul | Humane Letters | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Rabb, Sidney R. | Humane Letters | 26th Commencement | 1977, 05-22 |
Rabi, Isidor Isaac | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Rabin, Yitzhak | Laws | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Rabinovich, Itamar | Laws | 43rd Commencement | 1994, 05-22 |
Rabinowitch, Eugene | Humane Letters | 9th Commencement | 1960, 06-12 |
Rabkin, Mitchell T. | Science | 32nd Commencement | 1983, 05-22 |
Randolph, Asa Philip | Laws | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Ranis ’52, Gustav | Humane Letters | 31st Commencement | 1982, 05-23 |
Ratner, Max | Humane Letters | 43rd Commencement | 1994, 05-22 |
Raushenbush, Esther | Laws | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Reinert, Paul C. | Humane Letters | 24th Commencement | 1975, 06-01 |
Reinharz, Ph.D.’72, Jehuda | Humane Letters | 60th Commencement | 2011, 05-22 |
Reischauer, Edwin O. | Laws | 16th Commencement | 1967, 06-11 |
Remis, Harry | Humane Letters | 27th Commencement | 1978, 05-28 |
Reston, James Barrett | Laws | 13th Commencement | 1964, 06-07 |
Rich, Adrienne | Humane Letters | 36th Commencement | 1987, 05-17 |
Richardson, Elliot Lee | Humane Letters | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Richardson ’76, Julieanna L. | Humane Letters | 65th Commencement | 2016, 05-22 |
Rickover, Hyman G. | Science | 32nd Commencement | 1983, 05-22 |
Rifkind, Simon H. | Laws | 26th Commencement | 1977, 05-22 |
Roche, John P. | Humane Letters | Founders' Day | 1987, 10-24 |
Rodgers, Richard | Laws | 14th Commencement | 1965, 06-13 |
Rohatyn, Felix G. | Humane Letters | 36th Commencement | 1987, 05-15 |
Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor | Humane Letters | 3rd Commencement | 1954, 06-13 |
Rose, Edward | Humane Letters | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Rose, Ruth Goodman | Humane Letters | 40th Anniversary | 1988, 10-08 |
Rosenblith, Walter A. | Science | 37th Commencement | 1988, 05-29 |
Rosenstiel, Lewis S. | Science | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
Rosovsky, Henry | Humane Letters | 33rd Commencement | 1984, 05-20 |
Ross, Dennis B. | Laws | 59th commencement | 2010, 05-23 |
Rostropovich, Mstislav | Humane Letters | 48th Commencement | 1999, 05-23 |
Roth, Philip | Humane Letters | 40th Commencement | 1991, 05-26 |
Rothberg, Samuel | Humane Letters | 30th Commencement | 1981, 05-24 |
Roux, Michel P. | Humane Letters | 40th Commencement | 1991, 05-26 |
Ruderman ’88, Jay | Humane Letters | 67th Commencement | 2018, 05-13 |
Ruderman, Shira | Humane Letters | 67th Commencement | 2018, 05-13 |
Rudman, Warren B. | Laws | Founders’ Day | 1987, 10-24 |
Rusk, Howard | Science | 27th Commencement | 1978, 05-28 |
Russell, Madeleine, H. | Humane Letters | Founders’ Day | 1986, 11-02 |
Russell, William Fenton | Humane Letters | 50th Commencement | 2001, 05-20 |
Rustin, Bayard | Humane Letters | 34th Commencement | 1985, 05-19 |
Sachar, Abram Leon | Laws | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Sachar, Thelma H. | Humane Letters | 43rd Commencement | 1994, 05-22 |
Safdie, Moshe | Humane Letters | 48th Commencement | 1999, 05-23 |
Safra, Lily | Humane Letters | 54th Commencement | 2005, 05-22 |
Salomon, Irving | Laws | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Saltonstall, Leverett | Laws | Wien International Scholarship Program Convocation | 1958, 10-12 |
Saltonstall, William G. | Humane Letters | 17th Commencement | 1968, 06-09 |
Salvage, Louis Harry | Humane Letters | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Samuel, Maurice | Humane Letters | 13th Commencement | 1964, 06-07 |
Sandel ’75, Michael J. | Humane Letters | 49th Commencement | 2000, 05-21 |
Saval, Maurice | Humane Letters | 34th Commencement | 1985, 05-19 |
Schlesinger, Arthur M. | Laws | 12th Commencement | 1963, 06-09 |
Schlesinger Jr., Arthur M. | Humane Letters | 40th Anniversary Convocation | 1988, 10-08 |
Schneider, Irving | Humane Letters | 32nd Commencement | 1983, 05-22 |
Schneider ’66, William | Humane Letters | 57th Commencement | 2008, 05-18 |
Scholem, Gershom Gerhard | Humane Letters | 29th Commencement | 1980, 05-25 |
Schorr, Daniel | Humane Letters | 44th Commencement | 1995, 05-21 |
Schottland, Charles I. | Laws | 21st Commencement | 1972, 06-11 |
Schuman, William Howard | Humane Letters | 11th Commencement | 1962, 06-10 |
Schuster, Elaine | Humane Letters | 62nd Commencement | 2013, 05-19 |
Schusterman, Lynn | Humane Letters | 70th Commencement | 2021, 05-23 |
Schwartz, David | Humane Letters | 30th Commencement | 1981, 05-24 |
Schwartz, Joseph Joshua | Humane Letters | 9th Commencement | 1960, 06-12 |
Schwinger, Julian | Science | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Sen, Amartya | Humane Letters | 61st Commencement | 2012, 05-20 |
Sessions, Roger H. | Laws | 14th Commencement | 1965, 06-13 |
Shapiro, Carl J. | Humane Letters | Palm Beach | 2003, 01-18 |
Shapiro, Irving | Humane Letters | 31st Commencement | 1982, 05-23 |
Shapiro, Morris S. | Humane Letters | 3rd Commencement | 1954, 06-13 |
Shapiro ’52, Robert | Humane Letters | 41st Commencement | 1992, 05-24 |
Sharansky, Natan | Humane Letters | 41st Commencement | 1992, 05-24 |
Sharfman, Isaiah Leo | Laws | 13th Commencement | 1964, 06-07 |
Sherman, Malcolm L. | Humane Letters | 63rd Commencement | 2014, 05-18 |
Shrage, Barry | Humane Letters | 66th Commencement | 2017, 05-21 |
Shriver, Robert Sargent | Laws | 11th Commencement | 1962, 06-10 |
Shultz, George P. | Laws | 47th Commencement | 1998, 05-24 |
Silbert, Mimi H. | Humane Letters | 55th Commencement | 2006, 05-21 |
Sills, Beverly | Music | 40th Anniversary Convocation | 1988, 10-08 |
Simmons, Ruth | Humane Letters | 73rd Commencement | 2024, 05-19 |
Simon, Paul F. | Humane Letters | 59th commencement | 2010, 05-23 |
Sin, Jaime Cardinal | Humane Letters | 33rd Commencement | 1984, 05-20 |
Singer, Isaac Bashevis | Humane Letters | 33rd Commencement | 1984, 05-20 |
Singer, Maxine Frank | Science | 37th Commencement | 1988, 05-29 |
Slifka, Alan | Humane Letters | 52nd Commencement | 2003, 05-18 |
Slosberg, Samuel | Laws | 14th Commencement | 1965, 06-13 |
Smith, C. Ruggles | Laws | 25th Commencement | 1976, 05-30 |
Smith, Margaret Chase | Laws | 12th Commencement | 1963, 06-09 |
Soffer ’54, Donald "Don" M. | Humane Letters | 72nd Commencement | 2023, 05-21 |
Solarz ’62, Stephen J. | Humane Letters | 41st Commencement | 1992, 05-24 |
Spielberg, Steven | Creative Arts | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Squire, David F. | Humane Letters | 45th Commencement | 1996, 05-19 |
Steinsaltz, Adin | Humane Letters | 48th Commencement | 1999, 05-23 |
Steitz, Joan A. | Humane Letters | 51st Commencement | 2002, 05-26 |
Stella, Frank | Fine Arts | 35th Commencement | 1986, 05-18 |
Stendahl, Krister | Humane Letters | 30th Commencement | 1981, 05-24 |
Stevenson, Adlai Ewing | Humane Letters | Phi Beta Kappa Convocation | 1961, 10-08 |
Stevenson, Bryan | Laws | 70th Commencement | 2021, 05-23 |
Stratton, Julius Adams | Laws | Library Convocation | 1959, 11-08 |
Streisand, Barbra Joan | Humane Letters | 44th Commencement | 1995, 05-21 |
Stroum, Samuel N. | Humane Letters | 46th Commencement | 1997, 05-25 |
Suzman, Helen | Laws | 30th Commencement | 1981, 05-24 |
Swartz, Judy | Humane Letters | 55th Commencement | 2006, 05-21 |
Swartz, Sidney | Humane Letters | 55th Commencement | 2006, 05-21 |
Swig, Benjamin H. | Humane Letters | 15th Commencement | 1966, 06-12 |
Switzer, Mary Elizabeth | Humane Letters | 19th Commencement | 1970, 06-06 |
Syrkin, Marie | Humane Letters | 28th Commencement | 1979, 05-27 |
Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Szilard, Leo | Humane Letters | Phi Beta Kappa Convocation | 1961, 10-08 |
Szold, Robert | Humane Letters | 5th Commencement | 1956, 06-10 |
Taft, Charles Phelps | Humane Letters | 10th Commencement | 1961, 06-11 |
Talal, Hassan bin | Humane Letters | 55th Commencement | 2006, 05-21 |
Taylor, Telford | Laws | 37th Commencement | 1988, 05-29 |
Thier, Samuel O. | Humane Letters | 43rd Commencement | 1994, 05-22 |
Tillich, Paul J. | Humane Letters | Chapel Dedication | 1955, 10-30 |
Traquina ’78, Perry M. | Humane Letters | 68th Commencement | 2019, 05-19 |
Trilling, Lionel | Humane Letters | 23rd Commencement | 1974, 05-19 |
Truman, Harry S. | Laws | 6th Commencement | 1957, 06-09 |
Tutu, Desmond M. | Humane Letters | 49th Commencement | 2000, 05-21 |
Uhlenbeck, PhD’68, Karen | Science | 57th Commencement | 2008, 05-18 |
Ullman, Liv | Humane Letters | 42nd Commencement | 1993, 05-23 |
Updike, John | Humane Letters | 37th Commencement | 1988, 05-29 |
Vance, Cyrus Roberts | Laws | 20th Commencement | 1971, 06-13 |
Veil, Simone | Humane Letters | 39th Commencement | 1990, 05-20 |
Vendler, Helen Hennessy | Humane Letters | 64th Commencement | 2015, 05-17 |
Vishnevskaya, Galina | Humane Letters | 48th Commencement | 1999, 05-23 |
Volpe, John Anthony | Humane Letters | 16th Commencement | 1967, 06-11 |
Waksman, Selman A. | Science | 3rd Commencement | 1954, 06-13 |
Walsh, Michael Patrick | Laws | 15th Anniversary Convocation | 1963, 10-06 |
Walzer ’56, Michael L. | Humane Letters | 30th Commencement | 1981, 05-24 |
Warburg, Edward M.M. | Laws | 4th Commencement | 1955, 06-12 |
Ward, Barbara Lady | Laws | Phi Beta Kappa Convocation | 1961, 10-08 |
Warren, Earl | Laws | Centennial Convocation | 1956, 11-11 |
Wasserman, Lew R. | Humane Letters | 33rd Commencement | 1984, 05-20 |
Watson, James Dewey | Science | 22nd Commencement | 1973, 06-10 |
Watts, André | Music | 38th Commencement | 1989, 05-21 |
Webb, James Edwin | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Weber, Max | Humane Letters | 6th Commencement | 1957, 06-09 |
Weinstein, Lewis H. | Humane Letters | Founders' Day | 1986, 11-02 |
Weisgal, Meyer Wolfe | Science | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Weisskopf, Victor F. | Science | 32nd Commencement | 1983, 05-22 |
Weissman ’81, GSAS MA’81, P’15, Drew | Science | 72nd Commencement | 2023, 05-21 |
Welty, Eudora | Humane Letters | 28th Commencement | 1979, 05-27 |
Wertheimer, Stef | Humane Letters | 58th Commencement | 2009, 05-17 |
Wessell, Nils Y. | Humane Letters | Phi Beta Kappa Convocation | 1961, 10-08 |
Wexner, Leslie Herbert | Humane Letters | 37th Commencement | 1988, 05-29 |
Wharton Jr., Clifton R. | Humane Letters | 30th Commencement | 1981, 05-24 |
Whitten, Jack | Fine Arts | 65th Commencement | 2016, 05-22 |
Wien, Lawrence Arthur | Laws | 11th Commencement | 1962, 06-10 |
Wiesel, Elie | Humane Letters | 29th Commencement | 1980, 05-25 |
Wieseltier, Leon | Humane Letters | 62nd Commencement | 2013, 05-19 |
Wiesner, Jerome B. | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Wilson, Blenda J. | Humane Letters | 55th Commencement | 2006, 05-21 |
Windham-Bannister, Heller PhD'77, Susan | Humane Letters | 68th Commencement | 2019, 05-19 |
Winokur, Barton J. | Humane Letters | 50th Commencement | 2001, 05-20 |
Witten ’71, Edward | Science | Founders’ Day | 1987, 10-24 |
Wolfensohn, James D. | Humane Letters | 53rd Commencement | 2004, 05-23 |
Wolff, Sheldon M. | Science | 42nd Commencement | 1993, 05-23 |
Wolfson, Harry Austryn | Humane Letters | 7th Commencement | 1958, 06-08 |
Wolfson, Sir Isaac | Laws | 18th Commencement | 1969, 06-08 |
Woods, Donald | Humane Letters | 27th Commencement | 1978, 05-28 |
Woodward, C. Vann | Humane Letters | 32nd Commencement | 1983, 05-22 |
Woodward, Robert Burns | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Wyzanski Jr., Charles E. | Laws | 5th Commencement | 1956, 06-10 |
Yadin, Yigael | Humane Letters | 8th Commencement | 1959, 06-07 |
Young Jr., Andrew J. | Humane Letters | 27th Commencement | 1978, 05-28 |
Zacharias, Jerrold | Science | 34th Commencement | 1985, 05-19 |
Zakim, Leonard P. | Humane Letters | 45th Commencement | 1996, 05-19 |
Zariski, Oscar | Science | Science Convocation | 1965, 11-07 |
Zimmer ’68, Robert J. | Humane Letters | 70th Commencement | 2021, 05-23 |