Cynthia L. Berenson, G’13
Elected September 2018
Cynthia Berenson is a nationally-recognized philanthropist who has given many decades of service to Brandeis University, the international Jewish community and countless non-profits.
Berenson is a board member for the Women's Studies Research Center, Women and Gender Studies Program and the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism.
She and her family created the Allen/Berenson Distinguished Visiting Professorship in Women's Studies at Brandeis and the Cynthia L. and Theodore S. Berenson Chair of Fine Arts along with establishing the Director's Office in the Women's Studies Research Center in 1995.
Berenson's husband, Theodore, is also a University Fellow. The two co-launched the Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.