Madalyn Friedberg
Elected 2016
Madalyn Friedberg served as the past national president of the Brandeis National Committee until 2020.
A BNC member since 1973, she joined the National Executive Committee as a member of the learning opportunities team in 2013. A year later, she was named vice president of learning opportunities. She took over as fundraising VP in 2015.
Madalyn and her husband, Stephen, who is also a BNC member, established the Friedberg Family Endowed Scholarship Fund this year. They have also created three charitable gift annuities in support of the University.
She is an active member of BNC’s Central Westchester chapter, and for many years chaired the spring luncheon, the chapter’s annual fundraiser. For the event, she recruited many well-known speakers, including playwright Maury Yeston, movie critic Jeffrey Lyons, author Elinor Lipman and film historian Robert Osborne. She also served as chapter treasurer, led study groups and was a member of the nominating committee.
A native New Yorker, Madalyn earned a bachelor’s degree in nutrition from Syracuse University, performed her internship at New York Hospital and worked as a consulting dietitian in long-term care facilities for 50 years.She was active in the Westchester Rockland Dietetic Association and was a member of the nominating committee for the New York State Dietetic Association. She was appointed to the New York State Department of Health's task force that created the kosher food law for long-term care facilities.
She is involved in a number of volunteer activities and was chair of the board of the DeSisto School, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. She and her husband have three children and nine grandchildren, ranging in age from 4 to 24.