Graduate Studies in Computational Linguistics

Information for Prospective CL MS Applicants

The Brandeis Computational Linguistics MS program is an in-depth two year degree, run and taught by faculty working on cutting-edge research in CL/NLP that prepares you for success in the field, whether your goal is to work in industry after graduating, to pursue a PhD and research-focused career, and/or to pursue a career in academia.

For full details on our program – including how to be a strong candidate for admission, and how to put together a strong application – please consult the following pages.

To request a copy of the slides and recording of our recent CL MS Virtual Open House webinar for prospective students, please complete this short form.  

Whether you’re applying this year or considering applying in the future, both the slides and the webinar recording itself answer many frequently asked questions about applying to and studying in our program.  The webinar recording includes sessions with CL faculty and current CL MS students, and detailed information about our curriculum, the broad range of academic backgrounds among the students we accept, financial aid and paid work opportunities, our career development support, and application guidelines and tips.

Information on the Brandeis CL MS program:

Preparing for the Program & Making Your Application Strong

  • Preparing for Our Program: whether you're applying this year or considering applying in the future, the Preparing for Our Program page includes important recommendations to follow so that you will be well prepared and a strong candidate for admission. For those applying this year, it also contains detailed application guidelines and tips to read and follow carefully – so that you can make your application as strong as possible, and make sure that it includes all of the information we look for. This includes:
  • The CL MS Admissions FAQ provides additional answers to frequently asked questions.
  • The CL B/MS page provides more information on the Five-Year Bachelor's/MS Program available to only Brandeis undergraduate students.