Office of Equal Opportunity

Reporting Options


Graphic describing the OEO process. Step 1: Submit a report, Step 2: Engage with OEO, Step 3: Decide next steps with OEO.


The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) is Brandeis’ central reporting location for all concerns of discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct.

You may contact the Office of Equal Opportunity directly at 781-736-4806 or You may also file a claim using EthicsPoint, our secure online reporting portal.

File a report online   Call 781-736-4806   Email Us At

Please note that EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service. Do not use the portal to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. If you require emergency assistance, and are on campus, dial 63333. If you are off campus, dial 911.

Reporting Anonymously

The EthicsPoint online reporting portal allows anonymous submissions. 

Usually when a matter is reported anonymously, the University will not be able to take any action regarding that report. The EthicsPoint online reporting portal, however, allows OEO to communicate with anonymous reporters without disclosing their identities (which may increase the chances that action can be taken).

If you choose to report anonymously, it is important that you log back in to the portal to follow up on your report. If you do not follow up on your anonymous report, Brandeis will most likely not be able to take any action in response to that information.

Confidential Resources

If you would like to discuss an incident of discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct, but do not want to notify the University, you should contact a confidential resource.