Brandeis International Business School

Nimisha Shinday speaking in class

Accelerated MA

“In 12 or 16 months of study, students earn our highly ranked MA degree which prepares them to secure diverse roles in economics, business and finance across the globe.”

Anna Scherbina, MA Program Director

12-Month, 16-Month and Part-Time Programs

The Accelerated MA Program allows undergraduate students who have studied economics or business at a U.S. institution within the past five years to earn a Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance (MA) degree in 12 or 16 months. Full-time students can begin in the spring (16 month option only) or fall (12 or 16 months).

Practical Learning

The curriculum combines graduate business coursework and practical learning in both international economics and finance. This provides students with expanded knowledge across both subjects.

Ranked Among the Best in the United States

The Financial Times ranks the MA program #5 in the U.S. among pre-experience programs. The program is also ranked #1 in the country for highest percentage of female faculty and #2 for highest percentage of female students.


Study in a program that lets international students extend a 12-month post-graduate practical training experience by an additional 24 months. Learn more.

Advance Your Career Opportunities and Timeline

Nimisha Shinday

Graduates of our Accelerated MA program leave with a career advantage beyond that of a bachelor's degree.


Nimisha Shinday, MA'18 opted to stay at Brandeis for one extra year to complete the Accelerated MA program. With high-level business experience added to her Brandeis undergraduate degree, she accepted an offer to work as a consulting analyst at Accenture in New York beginning the summer after her graduation.

Accelerated MA Curriculum and Timeline

The Accelerated MA is 12 or 16 months in length and requires 48 credits completed at the business school. Accelerated MA students are required to transfer 16 credits of relevant business and/or economics coursework into the program to meet the 64 credit degree requirement. The Accelerated MA program requires 32 core credits, some of which may be fulfilled by transfer credit. Students also have the opportunity to take courses at other institutions in the area in related fields.

Sample Course Plan

Term 1 (17 credits)

  • FIN 203a Financial Management (4 credits)
  • FIN 212a: Accounting and Financial Analysis (4 credits) OR Fin 213a: Intermediate Financial Accounting (4 credits)
  • BUS 224g: Launching Your Global Career (1 credit)
  • ECON 207a: Managerial Economics (4 credits)
  • ECON 210a Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Business and Finance (4 credits)
  • ECON 213a: Applied Econometrics (4 credits)

Term 2  (16-18 credits)

  •  FIN 205a Investment and Portfolio Management (4 credits)
  • ECON 202a: Applied International Macroeconomics (4 credits)
  • ECON 260a: International Trade Policy OR a Concentration-specific Elective (4 credits)
  • Concentration or General Electives (4-6 credits)

Term 3  (16-18 credits)

  • Practicum (4 credits)
  • FIN 204a Corporate Finance (4 credits)
  • Concentration or General Electives (12-14 credits)
Concentrations and Electives

The number of Accelerated MA elective credits depends on the student’s transfer coursework. Accelerated MA students are encouraged to use 16-20 of their elective credits to complete one of five concentrations:


Are you ready to get started? Request more information about the Accelerated MA or begin applying today. Looking for more information on admissions? Contact us, connect with an Accelerated MA student ambassador or explore the links below:

Class Profile


Average GPA

75% / 25%

Male / Female 


Average Age


Had full-time work or internship experience

Countries Represented in the Incoming Class

Countries Represented in the Incoming Brandeis International Business School Class

Afghanistan ● Albania ● Angola ● Argentina ● Cambodia ● Cameroon● Canada ● Chile ● China ● France ● Ghana ● Guinea ● India ● Kazakhstan ● Kenya ● Kosovo ● Liberia ● Malaysia ● Mauritius ● Myanmar ● Nepal ● Pakistan ● Russia ● Saudi Arabia ● Singapore ● Somalia ● South Korea ● Spain ● Taiwan ● Turkey ● Uganda ● Ukraine ● United States ● Vietnam ● Zimbabwe

Business at Brandeis: Resources to Launch Your Global Career

There is a lot to consider as you embark on your career and explore opportunities. We offer online resources for students and young professionals in the fields of business, economics and finance. We provide tools and information covering all types of topics related to career advice, industry insights and grad school tips to help you figure out your next move.