
Program Faculty

david katz
David Katz
Professor of History, Department of History
Director and Undergraduate Advising Head, History of Ideas Program
781-736-2799 Mandel Center for the Humanities, 108
Joel Christensen
Joel Christensen
Professor of Classical Studies
781-736-2185 Mandel Center for the Humanities, 214
Stephen Dowden
Stephen Dowden
Professor of German Languages and Literature
781 736-3218 Shiffman Humanities Center, 211
Matthew Fraleigh
Matthew Fraleigh
Associate Professor of East Asian Literature and Culture
781-736-3229 Mandel Center for the Humanities, 115
Caren Irr
Caren Irr
Professor of English
781-736-2143 Rabb Graduate Center, 142
Jeffrey A. Lenowitz
Jeffrey A. Lenowitz
Meyer and W. Walter Jaffe Associate Professor of Politics
781-736-2765 Olin-Sang American Civilization Center, 206
Robin Feuer Miller
Robin Feuer Miller
Edytha Macy Gross Professor of Humanities
781-736-3192 Shiffman Humanities Center, 215

Expertise: The novel in Russia and Europe of the 19th century, the short story in Russia, the literature of childhood and children's literature

kathleen moran
Kathleen Moran
Associate Professor and Chair of Philosophy
781-736-2695 Mandel Center for the Humanities, 111
John Plotz
John Plotz
Professor of English
781-736-2621 Rabb Graduate Center, 264
david powelstocik
David Powelstock
Associate Professor of Russian Language and Literature
781-736-3347 Shiffman Humanities Center, 207
chandler rosenberger
Chandler Rosenberger
Associate Professor of International and Global Studies and Sociology
781-736-2638 Mandel Center for the Humanities, 106
umrao sethi, assistant professor
Umrao Sethi
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
781 736-2794 Mandel Center for the Humanities 112

Expertise: Philosophy of mind, metaphysics, early modern philosophy, metaphysics of perceptual experience, and the nature of sensible qualities

eugene sheppard
Eugene Sheppard
Associate Professor of Modern Jewish History and Thought
781-736-2965 Lown Center for Judaica Studies, 307
Bernard Yack
Bernard Yack
Lerman Neubauer Professor of Democracy and Public Policy
781-736-2640 Olin-Sang American Civilization Center, 107