
The quantum and gravitational theory group works on a wide range of topics in theoretical physics, from string theory to quantum information, condensed matter, and cosmology.

Faculty Research

Professor Matthew Headrick's research interests include classical and quantum gravity, quantum field theory, geometry, and quantum information theory. His current research is primarily focused on information-theoretic aspects of holographic field theories (field theories that are dual to higher-dimensional gravitational theories), such as entanglement entropies and related quantities. Geometry problems motivated by string theory and gravity, and numerical methods for solving them, are a theme of his work..

Professor Albion Lawrence's research includes quantum field theory and string theory, quantum information theory in quantum field theory and quantum gravity, early-universe cosmology, geophysical fluid dynamics, and physical oceanography..

Associate Professor Brian Swingle's research interests lie in the physics of quantum information especially in the context of quantum many-body systems and quantum gravity. Current interests include the emergence of gravity from entanglement, the efficient simulation of quantum many-body systems using entanglement-based methods, and the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum information.

Faculty Emeriti