Matthew Headrick
Professor of Physics
PhD, Harvard University, 2003
Matthew Headrick's research interests lie in string theory and related areas of quantum field theory, general relativity, geometry, and quantum information theory. His current research is primarily focused on the intersection of quantum gravity, quantum field theory, and quantum information theory. He is specifically interested in information-theoretic aspects of holographic field theories (field theories that are dual to higher-dimensional gravitational theories), such as entanglement entropies and related quantities. He has also worked on problems in numerical geometry with applications to string theory, including methods for finding static black hole metrics, minimal-area systolic metrics, and Calabi-Yau metrics.
Sample of Recent Publications
M. Headrick and V. Hubeny, “Covariant bit threads”, arXiv: 2208.10507 [hep-th] (2022)
T. Faulkner, T. Hartman, M. Headrick, M. Rangamani, and B. Swingle, “Snowmass white paper: Quantum information in quantum field theory and quantum gravity”, arXiv: 2203.07117 [hep-th], 2022 Snowmass Summer Study (2022)
M. Headrick, “Lectures on entanglement entropy in field theory and holography”, arXiv: 1907.08126 [hep-th], Proceedings of TASI ’17, “Physics at the Fundamental Frontier”, Proc. of Science (2018)
J. Harper and M. Headrick, “Bit threads and holographic entanglement of purification”, arXiv:1906.05970 [hep-th], JHEP2019:101 (2019)
C.A. Agon, M. Headrick, and B. Swingle, “Subsystem complexity and holography,” arXiv:1804.01561 [hep-th], JHEP 2019: 145 (2019)
M. Headrick, V. Hubeny, A. Lawrence, and M. Rangamani, “Causality & holographic entanglement entropy”, arXiv: 1408.6300 [hep-th], JHEP12:162 (2014)