Office of the Provost

Intellectual Property Review Committee

VI.D.2.f. Intellectual Property Review Committee

  1. The committee will be an administrative committee in the Office of the Provost. The committee consists of the general counsel; the executive director of the Office of Technology Licensing; the provost's designee; the chief operating officer's designee; and four members of the faculty — two appointed by the provost, including the committee chair, and two appointed by the Faculty Senate Council. Appointment terms for faculty members will be defined by the provost.

  2. The committee oversees the implementation of the Brandeis Intellectual Property Policy and serves as an appellate body in the event of disagreements between the university and the creator of intellectual property, submitting its determinations to the provost for the final decision, all as described in and consistent with the policy.

2024-25 Members


  • Linda Bui, Economics (Brandeis International Business School),  (chair)

  • Erin Gee, Music

  • James Pustejovsky, Computer Science

  • Hao Xu, Chemistry


  • Steven Karel, Vice Provost for Research

  • Steve Locke, General Counsel

  • Rebecca Menapace, Executive Director, Office of Technology Licensing

  • Sam Solomon, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer