Committee on Strategy and Planning
VI.D.2.a. Committee on Strategy and Planning
The Committee on Strategy and Planning advises the president about the annual and long-term priorities for the university derived from board-approved institutional priorities. The committee will tackle strategic questions and match priorities and strategic decision to budget priorities at the highest level. The Committee on Strategy and Planning will have one subcommittee: the Budget and Priorities Subcommittee. The subcommittee will analyze and quantify high-level financial priorities. The subcommittee will be the forum through which each part of the university will put forward its needs and priorities and learn about the needs and priorities of other areas. The subcommittee will review the university budget proposal before the budget submission to the Committee on Strategy and Planning.
The committee is chaired by the president and composed of the provost; executive vice president for finance and administration; the deans (from the School of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Brandeis International Business School, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, and the vice president of the Rabb School of Continuing Studies); and seven faculty. One faculty member will be elected from each division in Arts and Sciences (Creative Arts, Humanities, Science, Social Sciences), one from Brandeis International Business School, one from the Heller School of Social Policy and Management, and one member of the Faculty Senate, elected by the Senate annually. The committee will meet at least monthly.
The subcommittee is composed of members of the committee and is co-chaired by the provost and the executive vice president for finance and administration. The subcommittee must include two faculty members and relevant staff, including the chief financial officer, as needed. The subcommittee will meet at least monthly and report on cross-institution financial needs and budgets at each meeting of the Committee on Strategy and Planning.
Except for the Faculty Senate representative, who is elected annually, the first group of faculty elected for this committee will serve two- or three-year terms, decided at random by the chair of the committee. Faculty elected for this committee after the first group will all be elected for three-year terms.
2024-25 Members
Arthur Levine, Interim President (chair)
Carmen Aguilar, Vice President, Rabb School of Continuing Studies
Charles Golden, Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Carol Fierke, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Kathryn Graddy, Dean, Brandeis International Business School
Maria Madison, Interim Dean, Heller School for Social Policy and Management
Jeffrey Shoulson, Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
Stew Uretsky, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
Carole Carlson, Heller School for Social Policy and Management (2022-25)
Debarshi Nandy, Brandeis International Business School (2023-26)
Sara Mayorga, Social Sciences (2023-26)
Dmitry Troyanovsky, Creative Arts (2023-26)
Sacha Nelson, Science (2022-25)
Jonathan Decter, Humanities (2024-27)
Muna Guvenc Ospina Leon, Faculty Senate (2024-25)
Isaac Krauss, Faculty Rep to the Board of Trustees Resources Committee (2024-25) ex officio