Office of the Provost

Committee on Teaching, Learning and Assessment

VI.2.D.c. Committee on Teaching, Learning and Assessment

  1. The Committee on Teaching, Learning and Assessment coordinates efforts to improve teaching and learning on campus and mediate between the expectations of accreditation bodies and the norms of faculty. It reports regularly to faculty about what we know about teaching and learning at Brandeis and trends in outcomes over time. The committee also works with different academic units such as the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Committee for the Support of Teaching, the Experiential Learning Committee and the Rabb School’s eLearning Division to communicate and facilitate cross-fertilization.

  2. The committee is chaired by the provost or his/her/their designee and is composed of six faculty as well as staff members invited by the provost. Three faculty members will represent the four divisions in Arts and Sciences (one representative each from the Divisions of Sciences and Social Sciences, and one representative from either the Division of Creative Arts or the Division of Humanities), and one faculty member each from the Brandeis International Business School, the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, and the Rabb School of Continuing Studies. The executive director of the Center for Teaching and Learning will serve ex officio.

  3. This committee will advise the provost and make recommendations to the Committee on Academic Standards and Policy.

  4. Student representatives, selected by their peers, may serve on the committee in a nonvoting capacity at the discretion of the chair.

  5. The first group of faculty selected for this committee will serve two- or three-year terms, decided at random by the chair of the committee. Faculty selected for this committee after the first group will all be selected for three-year terms.

2024-25 Members


  • Marty Samuels, Director, Center for Teaching and Learning (chair)
  • Linda Bui, Senior Associate Provost, Assessment and Accreditation (vice-chair)
  • Joel Christensen, Senior Associate Provost, Faculty Affairs (vice-chair)
  • Alyssa Stalsberg Canelli, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Christine Oskar-Poisson, Assistant Director of Online Faculty Relations, Graduate Professional Studies
  • Laura Hibbler, Associate University Librarian for Research and Instruction
  • Olga Papaemmanouil, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Arts and Sciences
  • Ian Rifkin, Director of Data and Systems Integration, Information Technology Services
  • Matthew Sheehy, Brandeis National Committee University Librarian
  • Haley Rosenfeld, Director, Institutional Research
  • Carol Fierke, Provost ex officio


  • Amy Deschenes, The Rabb School of Continuing Studies (2023-2026)
  • Erin Gee, Creative Arts Division (2022-2025) 
  • Danielle Igra, Social Sciences Division (2022-2025)
  • Brad Morrison, Brandeis International Business School (2022-2025)
  • Joanne Nicholson, Heller School for Social Policy and Management (2024-2027)
  • Emily Tiberi, Science Division (2024-2027)


  • Ashley Gilliam, PhD Candidate in Psychology, Graduate Student Representative (2024-2025)
  • Bhakti Parwani, Undergraduate Student Union Director of Academic Affairs (2024-2025)