Office of the Provost

Update — Vice Provost for Research Search

Mar. 2, 2015

Please note the corrected list of members of the Vice Provost for Research Committee below.

Dear Colleagues,

I write to inform you that we are launching a search for a Vice Provost for Research and to enlist your assistance. As a major research university, operating in an increasingly competitive environment, we need to have a full-time chief research officer, as our peer institutions do. This position became vacant in 2008, when the incumbent (Maria Pellegrini) left to lead a foundation. Over the past few years, Irv Epstein has generously given of his time and expertise to fill this role on a part-time basis, on top of all his other responsibilities. We are now able to re-establish this as a full-time position.

In consultation with the Faculty Senate, I have established a search committee for this position. Irv Epstein has agreed to chair the committee, and the other members are: Kathryn Grady, Eric Chasalow, Len Saxe, Marion Smiley, Susan Parish, Gina Turrigiano, John Unsworth, John Wardle, James Walsh, and Christina Williams. The search will be a broad one, encompassing both internal and external candidates.

The formal job description is attached. The position will be posted in HR's job listings, and advertisements will be placed in professional publications, such as The Chronicle of Higher Education. Anything you can do to share the job description with potential candidates would be much appreciated. I also encourage nominations (internal or external candidates), which can be sent to Irv Epstein or to other members of the search committee. Anyone at Brandeis interested in this position is also welcome to submit an application.

Thank you for any assistance you can offer. I am confident that, working together, we can find an outstanding candidate for this crucial position.


Lisa Lynch

Lisa M. Lynch, PhD
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and
Maurice B. Hexter Professor of Social and Economic Policy
Brandeis University

assistant: Kristen Stevens,
phone: 781-736-2101