Faculty Diversity Grants
Dear Colleagues,
The Chief Diversity Officer, Provost, and the Deans of Arts and Science, Heller and IBS invite departments, programs, schools, or individual faculty to propose public lectures, symposiums and workshops that contribute to a 2017-18 university wide conversation on issues of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, open to the entire Brandeis community. Please consider proposals that would benefit from $500-$2500 in additional funding and would engage students, staff, and faculty in your departments and schools. Our goals are to create a rich array of programs that provoke conversation and reflection on these topics, as a supplement to professional development opportunities already being planned. Last year’s excellent awardees are illustrative of the various ways the funds can be used:
The Emperor’s New Genes: Science, Race, Justice, and the Allure of Objectivity
Hacking Your Potential: Why Your Views on Intelligence and Talent Matter for Academic Success
Artist Using the Camera to Penetrate Stereotypes
From Antiracist Education to Electoral Campaigning: The Complex Calculus of Race and Politics in Brazil
Sociology of Higher Education: A Public Inquiry on Race, Class & Equal Opportunity
Self-Education Workshop on Diversity
Building Diversity into Your Course
Brandeis Faculty Dialogue Training Program
Alondra Nelson: The Social Life of DNA
Black Lives Matter Symposium
Implicit Bias and Social Justice: Philosophy Annual Conference
Proposals outlining topic and tentative title, sponsoring faculty, possible dates, format and length of program, target audience, program goals and a tentative budget detailing all expected expenses can be sent via e-mail to Mark Brimhall-Vargas (mbv@brandeis.edu), Kim Godsoe (godsoe@brandeis.edu) and Elaine Wong (ewong@brandeis.edu), and will be considered on a rolling basis with first preference given to proposals submitted by Monday, June 12, 2017. We will aim to notify proposers of funding decisions within two weeks of receiving a proposal. We hope that this late spring announcement will provide you with sufficient time to plan events for the fall semester, though proposals for the spring semester are also welcome. Funded proposers will be asked to announce their events under the umbrella of "A Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program sponsored by the Chief Diversity Officer, Provost, and the Dean of Arts and Sciences, Heller, and IBS.” We look forward to receiving your proposals.
Susan Birren
Dean, Arts and Sciences
Mark Brimhall-Vargas
Chief Diversity Officer
Martha Krauss
Dean, Heller School
Lisa Lynch
Peter Petri
Dean, IBS