The following is a list of recent awards received by Brandeis University scholars.
Total Anticipated Award: $395,545
Principal Investigator: Dmitry Kleinbock, Mathematics
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Total Anticipated Award: $999,998
Principal Investigator: Susan Birren and Sacha Nelson, Biology
Sponsor: W. M. Keck Foundation
Total Anticipated Award: $30,000
Principal Investigator: Janet McIntosh, Anthropology
Sponsor: National Endowment for the Humanities Faculty Fellowship
Total Anticipated Award: $445,271
Principal Investigator: Thomas Shapiro and Rebecca Loya, Heller School for Social Policy and Management
Sponsor: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Total Anticipated Award: $259,713
Principal Investigator: Wangui Muigai, African and Afro-American Studies
Sponsor: Greenwall Foundation
Total Anticipated Award: $94,903
Principal Investigator: Leonard Saxe, Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies
Sponsor: Maccabi USA
Total Anticipated Award: $150,000
Principal Investigator: Ulka Anjaria, English and American Literature
Sponsor: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Total Anticipated Award: $89,159
Principal Investigator: John Chapman and Jennifer Perloff, Heller School for Social Policy and Management
Sponsor: PACES Center for Value in Healthcare
Total Anticipated Award: $60,000
Principal Investigator: Irving Epstein, Anahita Zare, Provost’s Office
Sponsor: Hampton University
Total Anticipated Award: $10,000
Principal Investigator: Oriana Montti, International Business School
Sponsor: American Political Science Association
Total Anticipated Award: $12,896
Principal Investigator: Hongfu Liu, Computer Science
Sponsor: Northeastern University
Total Anticipated Award: $183,000
Principal Investigator: Hannah Wayment-Steele, Biochemistry
Sponsor: Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research
Total Anticipated Award: $60,000
Principal Investigator: Karen Desmond, Music
Sponsor: National Endowment for the Humanities
Total Anticipated Award: $75,000
Principal Investigator: Grace Han, Chemistry
Sponsor: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

The National Institute on Aging has funded a new Center, the Massachusetts AI and Technology Center for Connected Care in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease (MassAITC). Based at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, it the center includes investigators from Brigham and Women’s and Massachusetts General Hospitals, Northeastern University, and Brandeis University. Margie E. Lachman, the Minnie and Harold Fierman Professor of Psychology, is the PI of the Center’s Aging Pilot Core. This pilot core will fund several pilot grants each year. Lachman is also director of the Lifespan Lab and the Boston Roybal Center at Brandeis.