E-Tutoring Instructions
E-tutoring appointments offer a way for you to get feedback on your work asynchronously, i.e., without attending a face-to-face consultation.
While consultations, either in person or online, are the best way to get help with your writing, the e-tutoring option is designed for more flexible and accessible support.How to Schedule E-Tutoring Appointment
- Sign in to WCOnline and select "e-tutoring" from the available schedules when signing in or from the drop-down menu at the top of the schedule page.
- Sign up and choose an appointment slot on the day you wish to receive feedback on your writing. Book your appointment at least one day in advance.
- Complete the "e-tutoring" appointment form.
- Upload your paper at the time of creating the appointment. You can't sign up without uploading a document. The Writing Center requires Microsoft Word files for e-tutoring so your consultant can make notes and add comments to your writing. To download Microsoft Word, please visit the Available Software page on the Information Technology Services website. If you have questions about downloading a Google doc, please refer to this guide: Docs Editors Help.
- Tell us what areas you want to focus on and any concerns you want our consultants to address.
During the Appointment
During your scheduled appointment day, your consultant will download and comment on your paper and then upload and send it back to you by midnight. You will receive an email notification that your work has been reviewed and is ready for your retrieval.
Remember, the type of feedback you receive via e-tutoring will be similar to what you get face-to-face. Consultants will spend up to one hour reading your document, and they will be concerned with big-picture issues, such as structure, scope, organization and style, and more detailed concerns like syntax and vocabulary. As ever, our goal is not to correct your mistakes, but rather to teach self-correcting strategies.