Ideas for UDR Initiatives

  • Create or attend pre-enrollment information/advising sessions.
  • Create and distribute a survey to majors/minors to learn what they most appreciate or most want to change in your department/program, and present the findings at a department/program meeting.
  • Organize a research panel; include information/speakers on research, internship and other academic opportunities.
  • Organize a series of brown bag lunches on topics related to your department/program or to your general field of study.
  • Organize a "What to Do with a Major" event; invite alums with a range of professions.
  • Discuss your recruitment ideas to attract prospective majors/minors with faculty.
  • Help establish tutoring groups or study sessions.
  • Lobby for new course offerings.
  • Organize a graduate school information session.
  • Organize an alumni career panel.
  • Organize thesis writing sessions so students can support and learn from each other.
  • Plan movie nights, talent shows, ice cream socials, etc.