Undergraduate Departmental Representatives Program

Requesting Funds

Funding is available from the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences for UDR sponsored initiatives.

You should apply for UDR funding as soon as you know your initiative's budget requirements. You cannot apply for funding after your initiative has occurred.

Prior to requesting UDR funding, please explore other sources of funding. Ask your department/program if it can provide financial support for your initiative.

If you are collaborating with another office, ask them if they have sources of funding. Funding is also available from various programs and offices (A-board, Student Union, Brandeis Pluralism Alliance, etc.) depending on the topic or the goal of your project.

There are two types of funding that UDRs may apply for:

  • Regular Funding — Funding is limited, so requests should be kept modest (i.e., plan to purchase snacks instead of a full dinner). 
  • Collaborative Grant Funding — Collaborative UDR Grants are intended to support collaboration among UDRs from more than one department/program for initiatives that reach a larger audience and therefore may have higher associated expenses. Two Collaborative UDR grants will be awarded each semester; the maximum grant award is $200. UDRs cannot receive both Collaborative UDR grant funding and regular UDR funding for the same initiative.

UDR approved funding expires at the end of the semester in which the event or initiative was scheduled to occur. Unused funding cannot be carried over to another event or initiative.

All requests must be made online using the appropriate form below.

Regular Funding Request Form

Collaborative Grant Funding Application Form