2024-2025 Executive Board
- Executive Director – Julia Kole '26
- Director of Operations - Hannah Bennett '26
- Director of Administrative Affairs – Allison Orr '26
- Training – Kyle Pandiscio '25
- Treasurer – Annetta Venford '25
Secretary –Gaya Malka '25
Serves as liaison to Brandeis University and the surrounding Waltham community.
Facilitates the activities of the other five officers.
Prepares a budget with the Treasurer, to be approved by the General Membership within three weeks prior to the end of the spring semester.
Votes last in all Executive Board decisions.
Presides over weekly E-Board and monthly general meetings.
Nominates Appointed Officers as necessary.
Approves all public relations.
Discusses his/her activities with the other officers and considers their recommendations.
Is empowered to call General or Special Membership meetings whenever necessary.
Oversees all medical operations of BEMCo.
Nominates, as necessary, Appointed Officers and holds regular meetings with them.
Is responsible for the maintenance of a monthly crew schedule.
Is responsible for ensuring that every attempt be made to answer calls for service.
Is responsible for providing the Executive Board and General Membership with timely reports and information on operational matters.
Renders whatever day to day decisions pertain to medical operations.
Discusses his/her activities with the other officers and considers their recommendations.
Will assure the necessary skills of all members seeking active status or promotions in coordination with the Training Officer.
Oversees day-to-day non-medical operations of BEMCo.
Nominates, as necessary, Appointed Officers and holds regular meetings with them.
Oversees day to day public relations efforts.
Oversees membership and recruitment.
Is responsible for providing the Executive Board and General Membership with timely reports and information on administrative matters.
Renders whatever day to day decisions pertain to administration.
Discusses his/her activities with the other officers and considers their recommendations.
Presides, in the absence of the Director, over the General Meetings.
Assumes all non-medical duties of the Director in the event of his or her absence.
Is responsible for training, continuing education, and the EMT class.
Orients new members, to be tested in conjunction with the Operations Officer.
Renders day to day decisions regarding training.
Provides skill checks of members for purposes of promotions and quality assurance.
Tests skills and knowledge of members seeking promotion in conjunction with the Operations Officer.
Nominates as necessary appointed officers.
Discusses his/her activities with the other officers and considers their recommendations.
Maintains financial arrangements.
Prepares a budget with the Director to be approved by the General Membership within three (3) weeks prior to the end of the spring semester.
Oversees fund raising.
Discusses his/her activities with the other officers and considers their recommendations.
Calls meetings to order.
Maintains membership rosters for mail, phone, meeting attendance, eligibility to vote, and any other purpose deemed necessary.
Arranges for and notifies members of locations of all events (meetings, continuing education classes, etc.).
Handles all non-medical paperwork for officers.
Maintains minutes of all meetings and makes said minutes available to members within two (2) days of the meeting.
Is empowered to call General or Special Membership Meetings whenever necessary.
Distributes, to all members eligible to vote, election packets containing the election statements of any candidates running for office who submit them.
Discusses his/her activities with the other officers and considers their recommendations.
Acts as non-voting counsel to the Executive Board and for the General Membership in all matters.
Acts as non-voting counsel to the general membership in all matters except the election of the promotions officer, elections officer, and Executive Board officers.
Assures that this Constitution, the Operating Rules, the Administrative Policies, and Robert's Rules of Order are enforced according to proper procedure.
Shall be consulted prior to disciplinary action that falls under violations of 5.1.D to 5.1.G.
Reviews the constitution before the first General Meeting of each year.