The more information you can provide, the more helpful the list will be. Information that we request includes names of all adult members of the household, mailing address, all phone numbers, and all email addresses, but we still appreciate lists that contain less information.
Helpful but not necessary:
- Work contact information
- Categories such as current members, past members, donors, affiliates
- Whether the household includes children
Not needed:
- Age, gender, date of birth for adults
- Names, ages, or contact information for children
For synagogues and other member organizations:
If your list includes current members and nonmembers (participants, former members, etc.), please include all but distinguish between them. You could include separate lists of members and nonmembers, or use a status column that distinguishes members from nonmembers.
For schools, camps, and other programs for children:
Your list might include parents and others (grandparents, donors, etc). Please include all but distinguish between them. You can provide separate lists or use a status column that identifies parents. If your list includes children’s names, please take care to identify them as children rather than adults. We will not contact any children directly and will only contact their parents
For social service agencies:
We respect the privacy of recipients of services, whether or not they are covered by HIPAA. If it is not appropriate to identify recipients of services, please send us contact information for donors, volunteers, and any others who are on your mailing lists.