Academic Conferences

The Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies supports a collaborative model of research: one that brings together scholars and policymakers to examine and discuss new approaches to the study of socio-demography and Jewish religious and cultural identity. To that end, CMJS co-sponsors academic conferences on a number of topics in these areas.
Past Events
May 15-16, 2019
This conference brought together leaders from Jewish communities throughout the United States who have engaged Steinhardt Social Research Institute to conduct demographic studies of their local communities. The goals of this conference are to identify best practices, share expertise about the use of data, and consider how survey data can used in fundraising, program development and strategic planning.
June 11-12, 2013
This conference was designed to extend academic discussion of Taglit. In particular, the goal is to consider Taglit from the perspective of Israeli culture and society, as well as its role in promoting Israel-Diaspora relations. The conference brought together Israeli and Diaspora scholars in discussion about Taglit, Jewish identity, education, and the relationship of Israel and the Diaspora.
May 23-24, 2012
This first-of- its-kind academic conference explored what scholars, practitioners, and policy makers have learned and can learn from Taglit-Birthright Israel, the largest single educational program in the Jewish world today. The goals of the conference were to expand the number and variety of scholars and public policy intellectuals engaged in the examination of Taglit, to explore Taglit as a social experiment in educational innovation, and to review and integrate current knowledge on a wide variety of substantive issues.
Oct. 23-24, 2011
The goals of this conference were to assess the current state of knowledge about the size and characteristics of the American Jewish community, illuminate current socio-demographic research, and consider how the findings of demographic research can be used by scholars, funders, and policy organizations concerned with the Jewish community. The conference was hosted by the Steinhardt Social Research Institute and Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis, in collaboration with key academic and policy centers concerned with the study of American Jewry.