Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for the following fall semester events:
Malian traditional singer and musician Wassa Kouyaté with a kora mandique.
A residency featuring world-renowned Malian musicians Wassa Kouyaté and Balla Kouyaté with Professor Cherif Keita
- Class visits: October 7 and 8, 2024
- Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 6:00 PM, Slosberg Music Center
Internationally renowned Malian traditional musicians Wassa Kouyaté and Balla Kouyaté are part of a Mande jaliw (generally known as the griots) who are oral historians, musicians, and performers who keep alive and celebrate the history of the Mandé people of Mali, Guinea, Senegal, and other West African countries. In residency in Professor Emilie Diouf’s course ENG 12a, “Decolonizing Tongues: Language in African Literature” this fall (and cross-listed with CAST), Wassa Kouyaté and Balla Kouyaté will give a live performance of the Sundiata fasa (epic) of the Mande people, with an English translation by Professor and descendent of Sundiata, Cherif Keita.

Head of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, Cambodian, 9th century
Panel discussion
- Monday, November 4, 2024, 12:00 unch, 12:15-1:30 pm program
- Mandel Center for the Humanities Reading Room (303)
A panel featuring individuals with expertise in museums and provenance, the history of art, and law and philosophy will discuss processes, policies, and promises and pitfalls related to the restitution of “art” all over the world.

Skyline Commons
Join the CAST, AAAS, AAPI, WGS, English, and Creative Writing UDRs for good food, great company, and the opportunity to express yourself through collaging. Crafting materials will be provided!

Daria Pugachova, Ukrainian artist, photo by Hosein Danesh (2023)
Open session of ENG 151b, Performance Studies, with Daria Pugachova (a CAST core elective, taught by Tom King)
- Join us for a workshop and Q&A
- Monday, November 11, 2024, 5:40-7 PM
Daria Pugachova, an interdisciplinary artist and art activist from Ukraine, prioritizes the presence of the artist and direct interaction with audiences in public spaces. Daria studied architecture at the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture and played drums for many years in the band Panivalkova. Daria’s work has been featured in exhibitions in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the United States. Her latest projects are based on her experiences of war, exploring topics of freedom and limitation, and this is what she’ll focus on in her artist talk here.

Daria Pugachova, Ukrainian artist, photo by Hosein Danesh (2023)
A Presentation by Ukrainian Artist Daria Pugachova
- Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 2:20-3:40 PM
- Location TBA
Daria Pugachova, an interdisciplinary artist and art activist from Ukraine, prioritizes the presence of the artist and direct interaction with audiences in public spaces. Daria studied architecture at the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture and played drums for many years in the band Panivalkova. Daria’s work has been featured in exhibitions in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the United States. Her latest projects are based on her experiences of war, exploring topics of freedom and limitation, and this is what she’ll focus on in her artist talk here.