Reassessing the Impacts of the Iranian Revolution Elsewhere
A Crown Seminar with Simon Wolfgang Fuchs, Raphaël Lefèvre, and Laurence Louër
The Iranian Revolution caused other governments to fear that the uprising would spread beyond Iran’s borders. More than forty years later, assessments of the Islamic Republic’s "success" in exporting its particular theocratic model continue to dominate how we talk about the revolution’s transnational impacts. But this Iran-centric perspective largely ignores the critical role of non-Iranian actors who have brokered the revolution to various groups in different countries. Building on case studies from a variety of countries—Lebanon, the Gulf monarchies, Pakistan—the three panelists will analyze how Shi‘i and non-Shi‘i Islamist groups made sense of the revolution and how they have translated the Iranian message into their particular local contexts.
Simon Wolfgang Fuchs is a lecturer in Islamic and Middle East Studies at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
Raphaël Lefèvre is senior research fellow at the University of Oxford and an associate researcher at the University of Aarhus.
Laurence Louër is an associate professor at SciencesPo CERI.
Mohammad Ataie, discussant, is a junior research fellow at the Crown Center.